Elvish Frontier

The Elvish Frontier is the wild area north of the Green River on the northern border of the Kingdom of Sylarbor, extending from the confluence of the Brown and Belting Rivers in the east, across the Brown Hills and the Battlegap to the Great Western Range in the west. It has long marked the northern boundary of the civilized races, and as such, is under constant guard by the elves of Sylarbor. The Brown Hills and Thistle Run Valley are patrolled on the ground primarily by the Green Guard, also known as the Runners.  The Fey Wardens concern themselves with the area around the Battlegap and erected a tower on the edge of the lowlands, just inside the Brown Hills.  Above, the Vindikreeg from Monteriabor patrol the skies ranging as far east as the Wastes above the Troll Haunts, and across the peaks of the Great Westies.

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