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Emerthain Brotherhood

The Emerthain are a faction of renegade spellcasters that believe that magic should be used as the caster pleases even if it's against non-magic users. They are the sworn enemies of the Tirn and have waged war against them for thousands of years with no end in sight. Even today, the Emerthain are constantly recruiting new members, primarily casters who have been wronged and hunted by non-magic users or even other casters for using their magic in what many say is forbidden.

Public Agenda

Officially the Emerthain claim that they are fighting for the freedom of magic users, for a world where spellcasters can decide what rules to follow and don't need the permission of politicians or nobles without magic to do so. They believe that only they, those who have power can truly understand it and thereby decide how it is used. This also leads them to believe that they are destined to become the true protectors of this world and its populace and that they should lead. Regardless of whether or not this is the truth, this has led many to believe that what the Emerthain truly seek is complete domination of the magical over the non-magical.


The Emerthain's greatest and deadliest resource has always been its members, an entire force made up of spellcasters of all ranks from the Heartlands and the Protectorate as well as the Outlands who have grown weary with the rule of the Order of Tirn and the Omnipath Corps alike. Many of them have also been victims of prosecution and shunned by those without magic and driven out of their homes leaving them bitter and vengeful. This has left them with an unyielding drive and belief that what they are doing is both just as well as necessary for the safety of all spellcasters.   Due to their members being from nearly all corners of Oarus, they have access to a variety of resources from magitek and mystical artifacts. This has made them a deadly threat to any who cross their path as they make use of both magic combined with technology to further not just their arsenal but their raw power as well. As new members constantly join them their knowledge and resources continue to expand as well as information on their enemies from both the Order and Corps alike.


The Emerthain once began as former members of the Council of the Tirn who disagreed with many of the laws set by the council. Eventually, they split off entirely and began using their magic however they saw fit even if it was against others. After that, they began studying more dangerous and forbidden forms of magic by using it in ways that were against the laws set by the Tirn. Once word spread of magic users taking advantage of their powers over others the Tirn came into conflict with them. The renegades took to calling themselves the "Emerthain" meaning the fated, saying that it was their fate, the fate of all casters to rule over all others. Since then, the Emerthain and the Tirn have done battle for thousands of years all with the goal of the pursuit of knowledge and absolute power. To this day the Emerthain continue to wage war with the Protectorate, the Heartlands, and many others in their quest for dominance.


The Emerthain's forces are nothing if not unique thanks to their variety of members from all corners of Oarus. Many come from the Protectorate and the Heartlands but an even larger number of their recruits actually come from the Outlands. Due to having a massive number of omnipaths and spellcasters they can afford to train members in any way they see fit and can benefit the brotherhood the most. Each member of the Emerthain has suffered some form of prejudice and persecution either from their homeland or used by slavers and warlords. In the end, this has given them a desire for revenge upon the world or the great civilizations of the world.

Technological Level

The Emerthain Brotherhood have immense access to magitek and mystical items allowing them to outfit their members with any gear or weapon that can be used by their enemies like the Order and the Corps. Yet the worst part of all is their willingness to use both technology and magical gear that is forbidden to be used by those in both the Protectorate and the Heartlands. This makes them arguably the most dangerous magical force in the world of Oarus and a rival for any nation that chooses to make them an enemy.

Foreign Relations

Across the civilized world, the Emerthain are both despised and admired by many as well as the Outlands. The Protectorate and the Heartlands alike are the Emerthain's greatest threats due to being the home base of the Order of the Tirn and the Omnipath Corps. Yet despite this, many of their members come from both the Twelve Cities and the magical lands of the eldorai leading them to draw support from the shadows. In the Outlands the brotherhood has amassed numerous allies in exchange for access to magitek and mystical items and even protection from nearly any and all threats. At the same time, their attacks on various towns and outposts of the Outland peoples have also left them to be seen as outlaws and even tyrants to be hunted by bounty hunters and mercenaries for those who can afford them.

We are the Future

Alternative Names
Brotherhood of Magic, Renagades, Emmies
Government System
Related Species


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