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Humans are the dominant species that walk the world of Eldorahn, known as the "Third Race" created by Aeohim the Creator. All humans of the modern day are descended from an ancient race called the Irun, with wisdom, knowledge, and incredible powers that rivaled even the elves thanks to their science and technology. Yet since the Dark War, the Irun of the first are a shadow of their former selves. Regardless of their lost powers and knowledge, those of the human race are survivors who have fought against overwhelming odds, having to rebuild time and time again after some of the world's most devastating events such as the Imperial Assault, the Dark War, the Dead Flood, and the Dragon Wars.   Yet despite their sheer tenacity, the human race's greatest strength lies in their will to never give up and on occasion their willingness to work with others. Since the end of the Dark War, the Twelve Cities of Zion, Helios, Machino, Varvarrin, Eldion, Yasheen, Parkia, Soar, Casador, Elthera, Kore, and Ruslev have come together forming a mighty alliance making the Protectorate. To this day the Protectorate seeks to expand and recruit other powerful kingdoms to their aid and share what remains of their knowledge.   Beyond the domain of the Twelve Cities are what is known as the Outland Kingdoms, other human-populated kingdoms that are not a part of the Protectorate. Kingdoms like Kaita, Azgyrath, Rasiris, the Vulkast Empire, and many, many, more exist in the outlands. Despite their efforts, progress is slow in recruiting other kingdoms from the outlands. Yet this has not stopped them from trying.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

A balance of meats, fruits, vegetables, and many more.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Though it varies among the cities, kingdoms, and nations, humans in general value virtue, honor, courage, and love. However, like all races, they desire power and wealth, and because of this some of the greatest of them have fallen to greed, selfishness, violence, and wrath. From this comes tragedy, more violence, and death. Due to this circle of events, humans tend to have laws that their own civilizations follow to bring order and prevent chaos and build strong societies. Re-enforcing their kingdoms and protecting their nations. Years of war and progress have tempered human nature and put them on a path of advancement, some in more ways than one, and some faster than others. While others have regressed and become more brutal, harsh, and even cruel in their own paths.

Facial characteristics

Blonde, brunette, black haired, grey haired, and on occasion white with age.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans can be found almost worldwide across all of Oarus due to being scattered and separated after the Dark War. It is unclear just where exactly they came from only that it was from another world and that after they first settled they built the city of Arudan. From there they spread out far and wide exploring Oarus in the hopes of learning more.

Average Intelligence

Most humans strive all the harder to achieve great power and knowledge. They do so in their progress of empire building, exploration, and diplomacy, along with their studies of science and magic. However, their greatest and perhaps quickest advancements have been in technology. Thanks to their inquisitive nature and their thirst for progress humans have come very influentially in the world of Oarus.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Templar, The Black Knights, The Omnipath Corps,

Average Technological Level

The humans of the modern-day make use of what technology remains from their ancient ancestors. Much of what once was is now lost, whatever medicinal knowledge that once made them immune to disease and increased their lifespans is now almost completely gone. To make matters worse, the knowledge used to train humans to better control their own physiology was lost as well. What does remain is a portion of their technology used for weapons, defense, air travel, sea travel, and communications with only a fraction of their medical technology. They are capable of creating powerful prosthetics, augmentations, implants, and body enhancements as well for almost anybody. Because of this, it is not uncommon for humans of all classes in the Protectorate to have technology grafted into their bodies somewhere.   Most humans in the Twelve Cities still generally use technology, some more than others, and many pursue different routes with their use and creation of technology. Some humans use their technology to improve their quality of life wherever they see fit while others tend to focus their technological development on weapons, armor, and warfare. Though few are as advanced as the Mechanists yet even their advancements are nothing compared to the First Kingdom of men the Arun who were the most advanced in technology that could affect and increase the power of the mind and even alter reality to devastating levels. Though not all humans are obsessed with technology, all reap the benefits of its rewards.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common Tongue, Akalan, Casadorian, Yasheenese, Pairkish, Alycian,

Common Dress Code

Little information remains on the appearance of the humans of the First Age and the appearance. It is said that it was common for many humans to wear a sort of silky metallic-like garment that could offer protection by creating a hard-light shield around the wearer. However, this is nothing compared to its fabled ability to slow the aging of the wearer drastically by unknown means allowing them to live hundreds of years. This is known to have been called in the Protectorate's early days the "power suit" by its people.   Most humans in the Protectorate live in a class system ranging from the high class made of the rich, the middle class made up a vast majority of everyday citizens and the poor class for those living in poverty. Nobles were known to have lived the longest and through the use of medicine and their suits that they could live for more than a thousand years. Today most nobles are lucky to live several hundred years at best with what medical science is left from back then. The suits make them capable of levitation and healing minimal wounds with ease. More than that they have enhanced shields that can protect the wearer from more serious harm and are equipped with onhand weapons allowing them to defend themselves from typical threats.   Humans within the middle class also wear similar suits to the nobles but are not capable of increasing their lifespan for as long. The average human is capable of living maybe three hundred years at best. Most of all their suits are not equipped with weapons, though one with enough money is capable of purchasing upgrades if they please. Though not unheard of for humans to wear a power suit most wear typical clothing ranging from all colors and designs of urban clothing as well as sporting tattoos and other enhancements and augmentations as well if they can afford it. For low-class humans in the Protectorate, it is common enough for them to be seen wearing urban city clothing in descent or poor condition but no more.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Varies among the cities and kingdoms. Many whether from the Protectorate or the Outlands, many humans have very different views on romantic and sexual relations with those of different races. Most from the Protectorate have a good outlook on the thought, and find relations of any sort acceptable if not tolerable. Numerous Outland kingdoms even promote marriage and romance between humans and other such races as fae, dwarves, kromnar, etc. However, there are many Outland kingdoms that hold onto a negative outlook and disapprove or even despise any sort of relationship between humans and other races though the number of those who have such views is a small number in comparison to those who accept such things.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Sapien
70 - 150 years
Average Height
5- 6ft
Average Weight
110 - 145lbs
Average Physique
Anywhere from skinny to lean, muscular, and obese.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
White, Black, Brown, Tan


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