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Amelia de Bolbec

Advisor on Domestic and Foreign Matters, Princess Helefina Amelia Valfiel (a.k.a. That Old Lady, the OLd Bat, the pretty elf lady, Miss de Bolbec, Crazy Bitch, Amelia)

Amelia de Bolbec is a seemingly immortal half elf. She claims that her immortality ruined her sanity and made her that way. She is very thin and has pale, almost translucent skin. She has one grey/green eye and one pale blue. Her hair is long and silver. She originally was a spy for the elves around the time the humans began to migrate to Eskye, but says even before then that she was still immortal. She is a very powerful magic user that trained outside of Ironshadow. She constantly gets letters from them begging her to teach but turns them down as she claims she is too busy. She also studies various levels of alchemy when she has spare time. She resides outside the small town of Whispshadow and protects them. She fell in love with the quietness and hoped to have that same bliss within her own mind. She adores her almiraj Bunnie which she received as a gift from an old elf friend to use as her familiar. They tend to fight often but Bunnie always returns home. She tends to speak around subjects and her memory is spotty. She does not know how old she truly is and tends to change the subject abruptly. She assists the Elves and Dragons of Rhea when it comes to the Cult of World Eater but since she is faux retired she hopes that whoever her magic house captures and leads, will take over and claim the fame and fortune. She prefers the small town life.   Update: Faykeep’s Advisor on Domestic and Foreign Matters and Princess Helefina Amelia Valfiel First Daughter of Empress Uladove Valfiel. She has been helping an underground rebellion that is against the tyranny of Uladove. She also has been working since the beginning to make sure she has set up a team of adventurers who have immeasurable power and are linked to her goal. She is like her mother in that she is very narrow minded in what she wants and will do anything to reach her goal including lying to her adventurer pawns.   Though she can be unreadable and ecstatic, her intentions are truer and does not like to be asscoiated with her mother. She does not know who her father is but believes he was a powerful human magic user and her mother's plaything. She is treated in Faykeep as just a member of Uladove's court but those who truly know who she is treat her as an unwanted bastard.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

female she/her




Highly educated.

Mental Trauma

She believes that the reason why she is somewhat insane is because she has been alive for too long and that when she accepted immortality from the elves, it tampered with her sanity.

Morality & Philosophy

Tries hard to not act like her mother, but ends up doing what she would do with different goals in mind.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to dethrone her mother by any means necessary and rejoin Faykeep to the mainland.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Bunnie, tea, scones, a good book, quiet, revolutions, chess   Dislikes: Bullies, her frantic mind, her mother, immortality, dictatorships


Family Ties

Father: unknown human magic user (powerful) Mother: Empress Uladove Siblings: None

Hobbies & Pets

Bunnie (almeraj)


Amelia de Bolbec


Towards Empress Uladove



Empress Uladove

Mother (Trivial)

Towards Amelia de Bolbec




Amelia is the bastard child of a human and Emrpess Uladove. Very few in the kingdom know the truth. Those who do tend to not speak of it. Uladove does not regard it in the slightest. Amelia uses her title when necessary.


Current Location
Date of Birth
16th of the Bloodstone Moon
unknown, most likely Faykeep
green/grey and blue
silver and long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
unknown, about 5'8"
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Goblin, Orc, Primordial, Aquan, Draconic, Infernal, Abyssal, Undercommon, Gnomish, Dwarven, Halfling, Giant, and Sylvan.

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