Eskye Settlement in Oasis | World Anvil
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Borkhorm and Fallton select a head as well as input from various larger towns to select one person to rule over a section of Eskye for 10 years. The two heads who reside in the two capitals only converge when in an emergency, otherwise they meet once a month to discuss economics, politics, and other various dealings around Eskye. The two heads are as follows:   Fallton: half orc Nobleman of Fallton Grotan Ishthaazar   Borkhorm: half elf Noblewoman of Borkhorm Zinbwynn Thaelu

Industry & Trade

  • Lumber
  • Medicinal supplies and goods
  • Various food products native to Eskye
  • Fruit
  • Meat
  • Coffee
  • Spices
  • Furniture
  • Steel


Though it is the largest territory of Lunaecia, it is the youngest nation to date. It was founded just before the Great Divide ended. Many of the battles fought where on Eskyean soil. Eskye is the favored nation for fae and elves when visiting the mainland for it's less harsh winters compared to Aspain, less smog than Apleau and Ostren, and the heat was bearable compared to Orcharia. It becomes more humid in the southern Eskyan jungles but it is a highly favored territory. It was founded because Astana was becoming too crowded and people wanted the ability for more freedom from a monarchy as well as freedom from the stresses and brutality of the Great Divide. They travelled to Eskye hoping to cultivate a peaceful land. As it is huge it was also predominately owned by the elves.    When the humans and other races moved in, the elves, already exhausted from losing numbers in the Great Divide decided they needed their own sliver of paradise, thus they migrated to Faykeep. The humans mainly took over Eskye but because it was such a large territory, they decided to divvy up responsibility through two heads, one from each major city, Fallton and Borkhorm. There are still tensions between gnolls, lizardfolk, and the more civilized inhabitants but overall Eskye is the most pleasant region with it's lush forests, mild temperate climates, and beauty that comes with the change in seasons.


Overall Eskye is a majorly woodland era that hosts all four seasons. There is a section of Eskye in the south known as the Eskyan jungles which are very humid and hot.
National Territory
3.5 million
Included Locations
Characters in Location

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