Pestilence/Naasith Character in Oasis | World Anvil
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Pestilence/Naasith (a.k.a. Pest, Naas)

A mysterious tiefling with animated snake tattoos. A rogue by choice, sorcerer by force, Pest jumps from group to group adventuring hoping to continue to run from the problems she refuses to speak about. The reason she changes groups so quickly is because it is rumored that whoever she partners with they all die except for her. She continues on in hopes to save up enough money to send to her family to help their mother get better. (Session B she is more bitchy)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short stature but lean muscular build. Sort of a pear shape body. She thicc. Elastigirl body type.

Body Features

Two sets of horns.

Facial Features

adorned with jewels, usually gold she stole.

Identifying Characteristics

White snake tattoos covering her body

Physical quirks

She doesn't show her actual emotions, but her tattoos seem to give her away.

Special abilities

Can fully play the pan flute but knows a few simple chords on the lute.

Apparel & Accessories

Her arcane focus is a deep green crystal she wears as a necklace. It is the shape of a snake eye.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Naasith was born to a tiefling mother (at one point a human) and a human father. She was born in Redvain in a midwife's home. She was born with cherry blossom pink skin and only one set of horns. Her mother, Kame Goldthorn, had crossed one of the gods (unknown as to which one) which cursed her to become a tiefling. She, along with three younger siblings (Themos, Theron, Glee), were born teiflings, except for the eldest sister Evelyn. Evelyn was born full human to the couple. One day, Naasith, Evelyn and their father Urdum Zulu were out selling their produce to a Goliath tribe near the base of the Violent Hills Territory. What happened during that time between then and Naasith and Evelyn's return is murky, depending on who you ask. Pestilience believes that an orc or greater monster ate her father up in those hills and she ran away. Evelyn on the other hand, believed that with Naasith's teifling powers she killed their father.
As Naasith ran. she was captured by the cult of World Eater, uing her as a vessel/sacrifice. Unspeakable horrors happened during her captivity, but eventuallly she found a way out. With new unimaginable powers from a dark cult she has no memory of and no family to go back to, she roams throughout Lunaecia looking for a new home. Through connections she keeps tabs on her family. Evelyn runs the farm, her siblings are in school, and her mother is in a coma.
Naasith adopted the name Pestilince because she believes she brings death and sickness to those close to her, so she tries not to get too attached. While adventuring her groups tend to die or break off under bad circumstances and she blames herself, thus having the name stick.

Gender Identity

She identifies as She/her and They/them but prefers she/her.




Her education is spotty but she is an avid reader. She enjoys history and knows a bit of math. Her knowledge is basic and average of the common commoner. Her magic abilities she taught all herself since she had them. Sometimes, if her feelings are intense, her magic tends to go haywire.


She is knowledgeable about farming and since she ran away has taken up multiple odd jobs and adventurer ads for money.

Failures & Embarrassments

Though not a very open and sexual person, Pest has been around the block with people here and there. She doesn't stick long though, and tends to love and leave. She sticks to her values that she should never get attached but earthly pleasures are always fun. She has broken many a heart through most Eskyan towns and some even have put out a bounty on her head.

Mental Trauma

Watched her father be eaten by an orc/monster. Her adventuring partners continue to die off or break off on awful terms. She blames herself.

Intellectual Characteristics

As an avid reader she has picked up on a few languages. She prefers Draconic poetry above all as she likes the sound it makes. She has not picked up on elven mainly because she believes elves are assholes.

Morality & Philosophy

Death is inevitable. Becoming attached to something only leads to heartache. Die young and break shit.


Does not drink.

Personality Characteristics


Hoping to make sure her family is safe, and to make up for her father's death, as well as find out more about her powers and how they came to be as well as hopefully run her own farm and settle down one day.

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes: pasta, drunks, drinking in general, emotions, embarrassing herself, snakes, the voices in her head   Likes: cakes and sweets, spicy foods, rain, fire, farming, gold, stealing, books (poetry)

Vices & Personality flaws

not one to talk much. Thinks of herself first before others. Can be the big sisterly type when needed, and loves lock picking and sharp objects too much as well as gold. She also is a very lightweight drinker and cannot drink more than one small pint of ale.

Personality Quirks

Can be really cute when something tastes really good, or if she's really impressed by something. Can be distracted by shiny things and gold. Eats more than her own body weight. Her face doesn't ever really show emotion and even her voice is monotone.




Contacts & Relations

Mother and siblings. Every time she is in a town with a post office, she makes sure to send them money and a letter no matter what. Unfortunately, her sister Evelyn never reads them but her younger siblings collect them.

Family Ties

Had a strong family bond, now she is only truly connected with her mother. She would rather trade away her magical powers to go back to how her family was before.

Religious Views

Prays to Hecate but mainly worships no one because she believes that if the gods were truly good and cared they wouldn't have killed her father and put her mother in a coma.


Has a quiet voice but has a very commoner farm like dialect in common. But her Draconic is very proper.

Wealth & Financial state

Has more gold and jewels that she cares to admit.

A mysterious teifling with strange snake tattoos all over her body. She doesn't talk much and enjoys a good pie and shiny objects. A book is always near her whenever she's not stealing from the rich.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
25th of the Garnet Moon, 325
Redvain, Eskye
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
140 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
*Anime girl voice* "Wow..."
Known Languages
Abyssal, Undercommon(?), Infernal, Common, Thieve's Cant, Draconic

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Letter 20
10th of the Turqouise Moon 352

Dear Glee, I got you a new goat! Named it after you. It's the cutest thing in the world. of friends and I did that cute children's game I showed you long ago. It was fun. It helped the group calm down a bit though. Um...I think you'd love Eindride, and maybe Kelt. Speaking of she made me a cute bracelet. And she asked me for help with sneakily putting things in people's pockets. She's cute so I went easy on her. It was very hot. We got another thing we needed. Hope you're doing great in school! Keep it up!   Naasith.   Dear Evelynn So uh...I think me and my group ate human food. I mean...we ate people...specifically probably our guide? I...I think the Zara was the only one who didn't care which makes sense but also...yeah...I saw Abdul basically "cleanse" himself inside and out of the...meat...which honestly...seeing him mad and not an asshole was kind of hilarious. Makes him ironically more human. He even had a little bonding moment with Eindride. We also did that Orchian kid's game...which ended weird but that's a minor detail. I got Glee her own goat. I know she has a bird, chickens, two dogs, a cat, a snake, and a few gerbils, a cow, and several other goats I sent her, but...maybe we can share this one. Is the farm OK? We got another crystal, Eindride, Kelt, and Abdul had to grab me from a brothel. It was...weird. I don't remember much. Mostly Abdul laughing about something I don't know. The quest for the Crystal was odd. Had to solve riddles. I even saw illusions of mom and dad...of those assholes who killed our father. I know you still blame me but I promise I can make it right. I know who I am...what I am is a dangerous hinderance but...anyway. I've been with this group for awhile now...and we finally found our groove. Even Abdul and I seemed to have warmed up a bit (no pun intended). I hope that...they won't end up the same. I also found out about Kelt and her mother being called back to Faykeep. I think it's an overall trap I don't trust it. Minor detour I guess. Please at least let me know Mom is ok? I love you. I'll make sure I send extra for the Festival of Sugar.

Letter 18
3rd of the Turquoise Moon, 352

No letter

Letter 16
30th of the Citrus Moon, 352

Dear Glee,   Hey there Gumdrop! It's been awhile. Everything is fine! I got you a beautiful music box today, a...friend...helped me buy it for you. Happy birthday! I also went to a really nice party last night. It was very nice and I was like a princess. How is Evelyn? Is she still mad at me? What about your brothers? Is mom ok? I am going to send more money for your birthday! But, remember to keep up with your studies! No cheating! Helpe Evelyn around the farm! Anyway, my...friends...are cool. I gave them flowers for friendship day. I would still give you pansies like you love. If i could. But they'd dry out in the post. But, yes, I was at a lavish party. There was beautiful food and dancing and we helped someone today. You'd be so proud! There was...someone else there who was not so good but my group and I handled him well. And then...I had fun dancing. Dancing with flames and things. The most fun I had in a long long time. Do you remember Sasha? and Abdul? Well, they are less alike than I thought. I mean I still think he's a butthole and I hate his guts but...I appreciate his...being around. It was nice that he helped me buy your music box and help with my clothes. But that doesn't mean he's not an asshole. What am I saying? I keep falling and getting close to these people I'll end up hurt again. It's why i don't come home. Not for awhile. Not until I can face Evelyn and get rid of these stupid tattoos. Sorry, I love you. I promise this group will be better. I promise I'll be home and we can be a family together. Hug mom for me. And if she wakes up kiss her for me.   Your older (better) sister that can do sick magic tricks. Naasith.

Letter 7
27th of Citrine Moon, 352

I̴'̵m̷ ̶s̴o̵r̶r̵y̶ ̸I̸'̵m̸ ̴s̷o̶r̷r̷y̵ ̶I̵'̶m̷ ̶s̶o̶r̶r̷y̶ ̷t̷h̴e̶y̸ ̶f̶o̷u̶n̷d̷ ̷o̸u̶t̷ ̴m̵y̷ ̵t̵a̴t̴t̵o̴o̵s̸ ̴h̸u̵r̵t̸ ̴m̴e̴ ̷s̷o̸ ̷m̸u̵c̴h̷.̶ ̷T̴h̶e̵y̷'̸r̶e̸ ̶c̶r̴a̶w̵l̸i̶n̶g̸ ̸a̶l̵l̶ ̴o̶v̶e̸r̷ ̴m̶y̴ ̴s̴k̴i̷n̶.̷ ̶T̵h̶e̴y̵ ̴f̴o̶u̵n̵d̶ ̷o̴u̴t̴ ̶a̷n̷d̴ ̴n̴o̵w̶ ̷I̵ ̸d̷o̴n̵'̶t̵ ̶k̴n̷o̶w̸.̶ ̵T̵h̵e̸ ̶v̴o̴i̶c̸e̷s̶ ̸t̴h̶e̵ ̷v̵o̸i̵c̶e̵s̷ ̷t̶h̵e̸ ̶v̷o̶i̸c̸e̷s̵ ̵i̶n̶ ̵m̶y̴ ̸h̸e̷a̷d̷ ̸a̸r̷e̴ ̶p̷e̸e̵l̸i̵n̷g̷ ̶a̷w̶a̴y̸ ̷m̴y̴ ̷r̵e̴a̵l̶i̷t̵y̶ ̶m̴y̵ ̷e̸y̷e̸s̷.̵ ̸H̴e̸l̵p̶ ̸m̴e̷ ̴E̸v̸e̵l̵y̴n̶n̵.̷.̸.̸                     im sorry

Letter 4
24th of th Citrine Moon, 352

Dear Evelyn,   Gods, can you believe it? I'm on a sky ship! It's scary. I fucking hate heights. There was a cute tortle onboard as well who was queen of the kitchen. You would've loved her. She's just like Glee. Shit happened, had to fight pirates, played truth or dare drinking edition. Oh yeah and Faykeep is sending bombs or something to Aspain and we don't know why. I mean...we have inklings. Please make sure you and the rest of the family is safe.   Is Mom OK? Has she waken up yet? I know you haven't written me back but at least tell me how she is? Are the kids doing well in school? I hope so. I'm sending more money by the way. How's the farm? Are the cows nice and fat? Are the chickens still shitting in the kitchen? Are the sunflowers no longer blooming?   Well, now for the actual bits. There's this smarmy stupid snarky motherfucking bitch asshole named AbdulKareem who's...he gives me and my snakes bad vibes. I don't like him. He clearly steals shit I know he did. He stole my watch (that I stole) and is just....UGH I want to stab him in his eyes, feed them to vultures, and gut him alive like a trout. Kelt, one of the others, asked if I liked him. I almost stabbed her on the spot but she wants to be civil about everything. How can I explain to everyone that I do not like him!!! He reminds me of Sasha...and you know how that ended. I just...I don't want to get hurt all over again.   Kelt also talked to me about being a part of the group. I'd love to I really would but once I do they'll end up fighting or dying. Kelt literally died within the week I met her. I almost left then and there. But clearly Lunaecia has some big shit happening. There was also a cult thing back there that...I don't feel well. The voices get loud at night but luckily no one in the group notices. Kelt is getting too close and I don't want her to die like the rest.   So...Festival of Families was very somber since people on the ship died I guess. I missed you and the rest of those little gremlins. Ugh I feel sick. I miss your ice cream you used to make. And Mom's warmth. ANd playing hide and seek with those little brats.   Oh and we have a wolf which is great and cool. I'll write as soon as I can. Also pray I do not stab Abdul in his sleep. Or that I steal anything else of his. JK yes I will fuck him.

The Heartstone Effect
9th of the Citrine Moon, 352

I joined another group. Very diverse but I doubt they will keep me for long. The triton was rude but that was to be expected. The earth genasi took the leadership role very quickly but...something seems off. The aasimar makes me feel weird but he is nice...and dumb. The lizardfolk was fine, and the goliath and kobold seem to be good friends. I would like to be there friend one day. She has a snake too...   We saved the town of gnolls and giant spiders that the insolent wizard cast a spell on. We also met an old woman who gave us cake and pies. Yum. There was also a werebear...and an owl. I hope I see them again. Jonathan needs a hug. Kemia destroyed the heartstone and we gave it to the old woman.   No one asked about my snake tattoos...that is nice.