Pestilence/Naasith | World Anvil

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Pest, Naas

Level 3/1 Tiefling Chaotic Neutral Sorcerer/Rogue
(Urban Bounty Hunter)
/ 36 HP

A mysterious teifling with strange snake tattoos all over her body. She doesn't talk much and enjoys a good pie and shiny objects. A book is always near her whenever she's not stealing from the rich.

Campaign & Party

Run by xXPunchy_PrincessXx667
10th of the Turqouise Moon 352

Letter 20

by Pestilence/Naasith

Dear Glee,
I got you a new goat! Named it after you. It's the cutest thing in the world. of friends and I did that cute children's game I showed you long ago. It was fun. It helped the group calm down a bit though. Um...I think you'd love Eindride, and maybe Kelt. Speaking of she made me a cute bracelet. And she asked me for help with sneakily putting things in people's pockets. She's cute so I went easy on her. It was very hot. We got another thing we needed. Hope you're doing great in school! Keep it up!
Dear Evelynn
So uh...I think me and my group ate human food. I mean...we ate people...specifically probably our guide? I...I think the Zara was the only one who didn't care which makes sense but also...yeah...I saw Abdul basically "cleanse" himself inside and out of the...meat...which honestly...seeing him mad and not an asshole was kind of hilarious. Makes him ironically more human. He even had a little bonding moment with Eindride. We also did that Orchian kid's game...which ended weird but that's a minor detail. I got Glee her own goat. I know she has a bird, chickens, two dogs, a cat, a snake, and a few gerbils, a cow, and several other goats I sent her, but...maybe we can share this one. Is the farm OK? We got another crystal, Eindride, Kelt, and Abdul had to grab me from a brothel. It was...weird. I don't remember much. Mostly Abdul laughing about something I don't know. The quest for the Crystal was odd. Had to solve riddles. I even saw illusions of mom and dad...of those assholes who killed our father. I know you still blame me but I promise I can make it right. I know who I am...what I am is a dangerous hinderance but...anyway. I've been with this group for awhile now...and we finally found our groove. Even Abdul and I seemed to have warmed up a bit (no pun intended). I hope that...they won't end up the same. I also found out about Kelt and her mother being called back to Faykeep. I think it's an overall trap I don't trust it. Minor detour I guess. Please at least let me know Mom is ok? I love you. I'll make sure I send extra for the Festival of Sugar.

Pestilence/Naasith's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The Heartstone Effect
    9th of the Citrine Moon, 352
  2. Letter 4
    24th of th Citrine Moon, 352
  3. Letter 7
    27th of Citrine Moon, 352
  4. Letter 16
    30th of the Citrus Moon, 352
  5. Letter 18
    3rd of the Turquoise Moon, 352
  6. Letter 20
    10th of the Turqouise Moon 352

The major events and journals in Pestilence/Naasith's history, from the beginning to today.

Letter 20

Dear Glee, I got you a new goat! Named it after you. It's the cutest thing in the world. of friends and I did that cute children's game I showed you long ago. It was fun. It helped the group calm down a bit though. Um...I think you'd love Eind...

10:58 pm - 09.10.2020

Letter 18

No letter...

11:29 pm - 20.08.2020

Letter 16

Dear Glee, Hey there Gumdrop! It's been awhile. Everything is fine! I got you a beautiful music box today, a...friend...helped me buy it for you. Happy birthday! I also went to a really nice party last night. It was very nice and I was like a princess...

01:31 am - 14.08.2020

Letter 7

I̴'̵m̷ ̶s̴o̵r̶r̵y̶ ̸I̸'̵m̸ ̴s̷o̶r̷r̷y̵ ̶I̵'̶m̷ ̶s̶o̶r̶r̷y̶ ̷t̷h̴e̶y̸ ̶f̶o̷u̶n̷d̷ ̷o̸u̶t̷ ̴m̵y̷ ̵t̵a̴t̴t̵o̴o̵s̸ ̴h̸u̵r̵t̸ ̴m̴e̴ ̷s̷o̸ ̷m̸u̵c̴h̷.̶ ̷T̴h̶e̵y̷'̸r̶e̸ ̶c̶r̴a̶w̵...

12:39 am - 31.07.2020

Letter 4

Dear Evelyn, Gods, can you believe it? I'm on a sky ship! It's scary. I fucking hate heights. There was a cute tortle onboard as well who was queen of the kitchen. You would've loved her. She's just like Glee. Shit happened, had to fight pirates, play...

06:07 pm - 24.07.2020

The Heartstone Effect

I joined another group. Very diverse but I doubt they will keep me for long. The triton was rude but that was to be expected. The earth genasi took the leadership role very quickly but...something seems off. The aasimar makes me feel weird but he is nice....

12:10 am - 07.06.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Pestilence/Naasith.

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Other Characters by xXPunchy_PrincessXx667