
Hippogriffs are large animals resembling a mix between an eagle and a horse, with the head, wings, and front legs of an eagle, and torso, tail, and back legs of a horse. This strange mix of features has led some to suggest that they were constructed by powerful wizards, while others believe that they were created by the gods along with the other animals. However, their origin was far in the past and no records or other conclusive evidence exists either way.   They are capable of flight, and often dwell among difficult to reach cliffs and crags. Being omnivorous, they eat a mix of plants and small animals, usually only ones that they can swallow whole. They are often preyed on by large, flying creatures such as dragons, wyverns, and the possibly related griffon. Hippogriffs mate for life, and will fight to the death to defend their mates and young.   Hippogriffs were domesticated long ago and are of all flying mounts the easiest to train, though still far more difficult then horses, donkeys, and camels. When trained properly they become very loyal and can develop close relationships with their handlers. Many hippogriff breeding facilities exist in Obseron, mostly in mountinous areas.