
A griffon is a large, flying animal resembling a mix between an eagle and a lion, with the the head, wings, and front legs of an eagle and the torse, tail, and back legs of a lion. This strange mix of features has led some to suggest that they were constructed by powerful wizards, while others believe that they were created by the gods along with the other animals. However, their origin was far in the past and no records or other conclusive evidence exists either way.   Griffons tend to dwell in places such as cliffs and rocky crags that are difficult to access without flight in order to protect their eggs and young. Most live and hunt in small prides, similar to lions, though they are occasionally seen alone or in pairs. They are carnivores and prefer to eat large herbivorous animals, especially horse, and sometimes even hunt the possibly realted Hippogriff. Griffons will usually not harm the rider of a horse if they dismount and do not interfere with the hunt, though riders that attempt to defend their mounts will attract the full, dangerous fury of the hungry griffon.   Though it is incredibly dangerous and difficult, a griffon raised from the egg can be trained as a mount. In practice this is rare do to the danger, expense, and great amount of time involved, especially as the more docile hippogriff often makes a more tempting subject. Despite this, training of griffon's is not unheard of, and a few breeding centers exist, the most prominent of which is found in the town of Overlook in The Dragonpeaks.