
The skitteri are giant insectoid creatures that live in the deserts of southwestern Obseron. They can grow up to 10 feet tall and 15 feet long and are capable of consuming almost any organic matter they come across. They live in hives built in rocky outcroppings, and due to the insects immense size and propensity for eating whatever they come across these hives are considered very dangerous by most residents of the Rift, though the insects have been domesticated by the Skitterii.   An adult skitteri's body is divided into three segments, pushed up against each other close enough that only a narrow indented line separates them, though they are capable of bending at these points. A brownish-green curved plate as hard as metal covers the top and sides of each segment, but their tan colored bottom portions are softer and more vulnerable. They have large pincers and narrow legs that arc like a spider's with feet that end in barbed points.   The skitteri seem to need very little water to survive, which along with their ability to consume almost any organic matter allows them to survive where almost no other creatures can. However, they have difficulty dealing with almost any humidity, which has prevented them from living outside of the driest deserts.