The Southern Plateau

The Southern Plateau is an unusual geographic feature, a fairly round formation of mountains that rise to an unusually flat plateau higher then any of the surrounding peaks. The plateau sits at roughly 6,000 feet above the surrounding lowlands, and despite it's height is hot and very arid, with it's complete lack of shade often making heat unbearable. Due to to the heat and lack of rainfall, there is almost no water on the surface of the plateau itself, though some along the edges, including near the top, in areas where it collects in the uneven ground and is often protected by shade. It is located to the south of The Rift and north of The Endless Sands.   Plant life is sparse on the plateau, consisting only of sparse grasses across most of its surface. More life is found toward the western edge, where there is more moisture available. Much of the western slopes are even partially forested. The plateau, especially toward the west, is home to many herds of camels and antelope; in addition to lions, jackals, hyenas, and a small number of Skitteri, as well as a number of other species. The only humanoids who inhabit this region in any significant numbers are gnolls, who survive by following the herds and picking off the slow and weak.
Inhabiting Species