The Endless Sands

"South? There is no water to the south, only death." -Unknown Naimar herder, near the The Southern Plateau. Recorded by Tyrion of Darus in his work Deserts of Southwestern Obseron, volume III, published 4799 AY
The Endless Sands is a large desert that covers much of southwestern Obseron. Away from the coasts there is very little water, and most of what little life can be found there is concentrated around a small number of oases, mostly in the eastern portion. It is bordered to the north by The Rift, The Bularian Plain, and The Southern Plateau, to the south by the End Plains, to the east by the Highsong Mountains, and to the west by the Howling Sea.
  Though inaccessable in most of the desert due to the lack of water, a rare and extreamly valuable type of crystal can be mined in some areas. Known as sun gems, or sometimes the Light of Athis after the sun god, the yellow crystals emmit an amount of light similar to a torch, and are valued for their ability to emit continuous light without fuel. Alongside a variety of practical uses they are considered sacred by the church of Athis and are used by the extreamly wealthy as decorations as far away as the Aurean Empire.
  Though the eastern oases provide few other resources, and are along no other major trade routes, they see a significant amount of traffic from mining expeditions in search of the sun gems. As desert has little water outside of these oases, the size and quantity of these expeditions has led to water becoming a valuable resource, that the expeditions buy from the oasis cities as great cost. On longer expeditions, water is shipped to mining sights repeatedly by water traders, who transport the water in large barrels carried on the backs of giant sand lizards.
Inhabiting Species