The Hollow Hills

The Hollow Hills are a set of hills in the western portion of the Fangwood. Though relatively low, they are distinctive to be clear to one viewing them from a distance. They have derived their name from the unusual number of caves within them, both natural limestone caverns and abandoned emerald mines, with many having relatively small openings hidden by the regions thick undergrowth. The caves are commonly used by bandits, monsters, and a number of infernal cults, and some near towns and villages are used as storerooms and even for housing.   Much of the Hollow Hills are part of the province of Zarthax in the Aurean Empire. This was originally part of the ancient kingdom of Zarthax, which was an early rival of the Aurean Empire. This portion of the kingdom managed to stay independent for much longer, in part by making use of the caves, and has given its name to the modern province.   The hills are unusually rich in emeralds, attracting many prospectors. Large desposits are rare, and so therefore are large mines, but shorter shafts and small pits are increadibly numerous. Many emeralds are found individually and by chance, and the larger towns are home to consortiums who by emeralds off whoever bring them and export them to other areas. These consortiums employ large numbers of guards, as they make for tempting targets for thieves.   The region has long had a problem with infernal cults, who worship devils. These cults operate out of the caves, offering potential members power in exchange for service. Many prominant residents of the area, including leaders of some settlements, are members of these cults, and in more remote villages devils are sometimes worshipped openly.