The Fangwood

The Fangwood is a large, dense forest stretching across much of the northwestern portion of Obseron. It is adjacent to The Western Forest to the south, with the two fading into each other around the River Velath. The trees of the Fangwood grow large, but allow enough sunlight to pass between their branches that a thick undergrowth to develop, which makes travel through the forest very difficult. Adding to the difficulty are the great number of monsterous creatures that dwell within the forest, especially the packs of lycanthropes that stalk beneath the trees.   Aside from the lycanthropes, most of the forest has a very small humanoid population. The only permanent settlements are found in Velathia, The Hollow Hills, and in the high elf kingdom of Glithendel. Orc tribes are believed to temporarily inhabit the southern edges at times, occasionally venturing down from The Dragonpeaks. Beyond this, only humanoids who can easily remain hidden, such as gnomes, inhabit the forest.


The fangwood is found north of the Dragonpeaks and is surrounded on all other sides by ocean. In the far north, near the edge of The Placid Sea, is another small but very steep mountain range known as Kyrak's Shield. Much of the land is hilly, rising gradually in the middle between the Dragonpeaks and Kyrak's Shield to form the final portion of the continental divide. The forest is crossed by a great number of streams and rivers, though the Velath and its two southern tributaries, the Dragontongues, are the only large and navigable ones.   Velathia and its several small, competing kingdoms is found along the Velath on the southwestern edge of the forest. The southeast is the Hollow Hills, controlled by the Aurean Empire. In the north, along the narrow strip of land between Kyraks's Shield and the coast is the high elf kingdom of Glithendel, most of which is not open to outsiders.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)