
The Kingdom of Zarthax was founded in 3 AY by a group of chromatic dragons called The Order of Dakath, as a response to the founding of Aurea by The Circle of the Heavens. The Order of Dakath believed that they were better suited to unite the humans and could bring them to greater glory. They initially had great success, conquering a large area through brute force and terrifying violence, though they inspired little loyalty in their new subjects.   By 162 AY they controlled a much larger and more thickly populated area then Aurea, and launched an attack on their western neighbor. The Aurean armies, equal in dragons but greatly outmatched in human soldiers, quickly gathered their forces behind the walls of Terminus. The resultant Battle of Terminus ended in a devastating defeat for Zarthax, and the dragons fled on the fifth day, leaving their human army to be destroyed by the Aurean dragons.   The Aurean army was then able to take control over most of Zarthax without a fight. A small area in The Hollow Hills to the north stayed independent for much longer, abandoning all of it's former loyalty to the Order of Dakath and taking advantage of the areas natural defenses. That region, to this day called the province of Zarthax, was eventually conquered in 977 AY, and has lost most of it's cultural distinctiveness. The region is today known for it's emerald mines and prevalence of infernal cults.

3 AY - 977 AY

Geopolitical, Kingdom