The Placid Sea

The Placid Sea is a small sea mostly cut off from the ocean, known for its incredibly calm waters. Mostly round,it is bordered to the south by the Aurean Lowlands and Greenwood Valley, to the west by The Fangwood, to the east by the Stronghills, and to the north by a pair of small peninsulas that almost touch and a number of islands beyond, most notably the large and thick forested Sigistra. It is impossibly deep, and rumors swirl among sailors of strange beasts that lurk in its depths, the kinds of rumors usually only spoken about remote areas of the open ocean.
  Once surrounded by the Aurean Empire, the empire's collapse has left the northern and eastern regions in a chaotic state, allowing the tribes of the Stronghills to take control of most of the eastern shore. The empire still controls much of the southern and western shore, along with a few scattered islands and fortified ports, but its hold is weak in the latter areas. Pirates have become common for the first time in memory, and the sea is much more dangerous to travel. Starspire, a city on the northern entrance to the sea through which most trade passes, has begun to act independently of the empire and take control of the northern trade routes, with the empire helpless to respond to its actions.
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