Order of the Lunar Veil

The Lunarian Conclave is a structured religious institution that venerates Lunaris, the god of transformation and the lunar cycle. It mirrors the hierarchy of a traditional Catholic church and is deeply woven into the fabric of its followers' lives, influencing both their daily routines and broader societal structures. Originating from deep-rooted lunar worship traditions, the Lunarian Conclave developed its doctrine around the cosmological view that the moon governs change and mutation. This religion teaches that life is a series of transformations, guided by the phases of the moon, which mirror the stages of life and spiritual evolution.   The Conclave is divided into three main sects, each corresponding to a phase of the moon and an aspect of Lunaris:   The Nascens Guardians focus on beginnings and transitions, marking rites of passage with ceremonies held at dawn or during the waxing moon.   The Plenilunium Fellowship celebrates the full moon, emphasizing the apex of life and the pursuit of arcane knowledge through vibrant gatherings and magical rituals.   The Caligo Sodality centered on endings and reflection, providing support and rituals for those nearing the end of their life, with activities peaking in the quiet of the night.

Divine Origins

Celestial Mysteries Unveiled: 

  The Lunarian Conclave traces its beginnings to ancient times when the first settlers of Obsolarum noticed the peculiar effects of the moon on both the natural world and their own lives. Early on, these settlers were primarily scholars, mystics, and those sensitive to arcane energies, who observed the moon's phases and its impact on magical currents flowing through the land.  

Divine Revelations: 

  Legend has it that Lunaris first appeared to these early observers during an eclipse, a rare celestial event that led to a night of vivid visions and powerful magical phenomena. During this event, Lunaris revealed the three aspects—Waxing, Full, and Waning—each embodying a phase of life's continuous cycle. This revelation laid the foundational beliefs that would later formalize into the Lunarian Conclave.  

Codification of Beliefs:

   As knowledge of Lunaris spread, temples were established at significant lunar sites where celestial energies were especially potent. These temples served as both observatories and sacred spaces for worship. Over centuries, the informal gatherings of moon worshipers evolved into a structured religious order. The Lunarian Conclave was formally established with a hierarchical structure during a period of heightened celestial activity, believed to be an auspicious sign from Lunaris himself.  

Spread and Integration:

   The teachings of the Lunarian Conclave resonated deeply with those who sought understanding of change and transformation, attracting followers from diverse backgrounds. The religion's emphasis on the cycles of change, knowledge, and the unseen forces of the world helped it integrate into various aspects of society, influencing everything from agriculture to scholarly pursuits and even political strategies.  

Sanctification of the Moon:

  Over time, as the teachings of the Lunarian Conclave spread throughout Obsolarum, the moon itself came to be revered not just as a celestial body but as a direct manifestation of the divine. This sanctification made the Lunarian Conclave a pivotal spiritual and cultural force in Obsolarum, with its doctrines influencing the calendar, festivals, and even the governance of the realms that embraced its teachings.

Cosmological Views

The Cosmic Cycle:

   The Lunarian Conclave teaches that the cosmos is an eternal cycle of creation, transformation, and reintegration, much like the phases of the moon. The universe was not created in a singular event but is continually being reshaped and reformed, influenced by celestial energies and divine will.  

The Moon as a Divine Lens:

   The moon is seen as a divine lens through which the energies of the cosmos are focused and mediated. Just as the moon waxes and wanes, so too does the fabric of reality, constantly undergoing cycles of growth and decay, light and darkness. This cyclical nature is fundamental to the Lunarian understanding of the world.  

Role of Lunaris:

   Lunaris, as the deity embodying the moon, is considered the steward of change and the guardian of the cosmic cycle. Lunaris is believed to have been born from the primal chaos that preceded the cosmos's current order, shaped by the Celestial Weavers who first spun the threads of reality. Each phase of Lunaris—Waxing, Full, and Waning—represents a fundamental aspect of existence: beginning, culmination, and conclusion.  

Manifestations of Change:

   The Lunarian Conclave holds that all changes in the world, whether they be seasonal shifts, the tides, or the cycles of life and death, are manifestations of Lunaris's influence. These changes are not random but are part of a divine pattern that ensures balance and continuity within the universe.  

The Afterlife and Rebirth: 

  After death, souls are said to travel to the Silver Shores, a liminal realm bathed in moonlight where they are cleansed and prepared for their next phase of existence. This belief in rebirth and transformation mirrors the lunar cycle, where nothing truly ends but transforms into a new state.  

Sacred Texts and Prophecies: 

  The Lunarian Conclave's doctrines are chronicled in a collection of texts known as the "Lunar Codices," which contain teachings, rituals, and prophecies. These texts often use the imagery of celestial phenomena and are thought to hold keys to understanding future cosmic alignments and their implications for the world.

Tenets of Faith

Protect the Night: 

  The night and its mysteries are sacred to Lunaris. The faithful are tasked with protecting the night from those who would corrupt or destroy it, including defending nocturnal creatures, preserving the darkness against unnecessary light, and honoring the quietude and insights that come with the night.  

Embrace Transformation: 

  Change is not to be feared but embraced as a natural progression of the soul’s journey. Followers are encouraged to be adaptable and open to the transformations in their own lives and to support others in their times of change.  

Pursue Knowledge and Wisdom:

   The Lunarian Conclave values the pursuit of knowledge, particularly in understanding the mysteries of the universe and the forces of nature. Followers are encouraged to study the stars, the moon, and the natural world as a way to align closer with Lunaris's will.    

Maintain Balance:

   Just as the moon balances the night, adherents are expected to seek balance in their lives between action and reflection, giving and receiving, and strength and compassion. Extremes are considered dangerous, as they disrupt the natural order and harmony.


Sinful Acts:


Fear of Change:

   Avoiding or fearing significant personal or communal transformations is seen as a lack of faith in Lunaris's guiding light through change.  

Unjust Disclosure of Secrets:

 Revealing secrets that could harm individuals or destabilize necessary social or political balances without compelling moral reason.  

Pious Acts:


Observance of Lunar Rituals:

   Engaging in rituals that align with the phases of the moon, especially those that involve silent reflection or secret gatherings, which mirror the mysterious nature of Lunaris.  

Promotion of Knowledge and Wisdom: 

  Disseminating knowledge about lunar cycles, astrology, and magic, enhancing the understanding of the celestial.  

Aiding in Transition and Secrecy:

   Helping others through significant life changes or safeguarding secrets that need to be kept to protect others from harm reflects the dual nature of Lunaris and is considered a noble act.


Lunar Observances:

   Key lunar phases, such as the new moon, full moon, and quarter moons, would be marked with specific rituals. These could include gatherings at night under the open sky, where prayers are recited and offerings are made to Lunaris to honor his different aspects. Nightly Prayers: Devotees might engage in nightly prayers that align with the position of the moon. These prayers could focus on personal transformation, seeking guidance for changes, or meditations on the nature of life and death.  

Rituals of Change: 

  Significant life events such as births, coming of age, marriages, and deaths could be accompanied by special rituals that invoke Lunaris's blessings. These rituals might emphasize the transitional nature of these events, aligning them with the waxing, full, or waning phases of the moon.  

Celestial Study and Divination:

   Since Lunaris is associated with arcana and knowledge, followers might also engage in studying the stars and moon, practicing divination through lunar cycles, and seeking deeper understanding of the cosmos. This could involve astrology, dream interpretation, and other forms of mystic inquiry.  

Festivals of Revelation:

   Periodically, especially during eclipses or significant celestial alignments, the Lunarian Conclave might hold festivals where secrets are shared within the community, new magical techniques are taught, or hidden truths are revealed in dramatic presentations.


High Oracle of Lunaris:

   At the apex of the Lunarian Conclave's hierarchy is the High Oracle, a figure believed to be chosen through divine signs and lunar omens. This leader is responsible for interpreting the will of Lunaris and guiding the overall spiritual direction of the faith. The High Oracle wears distinctive silver robes adorned with lunar symbols and carries a ceremonial staff that symbolizes their connection to the moon god. Moonlit Cardinals: Serving directly under the High Oracle are the Moonlit Cardinals, senior clerics who oversee large regions or important aspects of the church's operations, such as ritual practice, community outreach, or scholarly study of celestial phenomena. Cardinals are selected from among the most devoted and wise priests, often after years of service. They wear robes of deep blue or gray, embroidered with silver thread.  

Lunar Priests:

   The backbone of the Lunarian Conclave, Lunar Priests conduct the day-to-day rituals, offer counsel and guidance to the laity, and perform the sacred rites of the moon phases. They are appointed by the Cardinals, based on their knowledge, piety, and dedication to the teachings of Lunaris. Lunar Priests are distinguished by their robes, which are lighter blue and less ornate than those of the Cardinals.  

Acolytes of the Moon:

   These are the initiates and students who aspire to rise within the ranks of the Lunarian Conclave. They assist the priests and cardinals, learning the rituals, doctrines, and duties that define the faith. Acolytes wear simple white tunics and are often seen carrying books or ritual tools, symbolizing their learning and service.  

Lunar Scholars and Scribes:

   Specialized roles within the faith, these individuals are tasked with studying the celestial patterns, documenting religious texts, and preserving the lore of the Lunarian Conclave. They are often distinguished by their use of specific symbols, like the crescent moon pin, and carry scrolls or books as symbols of their scholarly duties  

The selection process:

  The selection process for each role involves a combination of merit, divine signs observed during key lunar events, and the recommendations of higher-ranking members. This structure ensures that the guidance provided to the faithful not only aligns with the divine will of Lunaris but also adapts to the changing needs and insights of the congregation.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Diplomacy and Espionage: 

  Given Lunaris’s associations with secrecy and the hidden, the religion often plays a crucial role in the realms of diplomacy and espionage. Political entities allied with the Lunarian Conclave may have access to a sophisticated network of spies and informants, which can be crucial for maintaining or shifting the balance of power.  

Advisory Roles:

The clergy of Lunarian Conclave, particularly those adept in knowledge and arcana, often serve as advisors to rulers and magistrates. Their deep understanding of celestial events and their implications on terrestrial affairs can guide political decisions, especially those related to timing and strategic planning.  

Legal and Judicial Influence:

   With its domain over transitions and endings, the Lunarian Conclave naturally finds a place in legal and judicial systems. The clergy might serve as arbiters in legal disputes, particularly those involving inheritance, property transitions, and end-of-life decisions, emphasizing fair transitions and resolutions in accordance with Lunarian principles.  

Cultural Impact:

   The religion’s focus on the cyclical nature of life and the inevitability of change fosters a culture that is more accepting of shifts in power and societal norms. This can lead to a political climate that is fluid and dynamic, with frequent changes in leadership and policies that reflect the evolving needs and understanding of the populace.  

Conflict Resolution: 

  The sects of the Lunarian Conclave that focus on peace and mediation (aligned with the waning aspects of the moon) often play roles in conflict resolution. Their presence can help de-escalate potential conflicts or aid in the negotiation of peace treaties, leveraging their divine mandate to foster harmony and end suffering.  

Influence on Laws and Morality:

   The teachings of the Lunarian Conclave influence laws concerning magic, the occult, and the rights to privacy. Laws may be crafted to protect secretive practices and the rights of individuals to keep certain aspects of their lives hidden, in alignment with the tenets of the religion.


The Nascens Guardians (Waxing Aspect):

  The Nascens Guardians are dedicated to the beginnings and transitions of life. They focus on rites of passage, helping individuals navigate significant life changes, such as births, coming of age, and new ventures. Their ceremonies are often held at dawn or during the waxing crescent, symbolizing the promise of growth and new beginnings.    

The Plenilunium Fellowship (Full Moon Aspect):

  Members of the Plenilunium Fellowship celebrate the peak of lunar power, focusing on the fullness of life and magic. They are scholars, mages, and seekers of deeper knowledge, gathering under the full moon to exchange ideas, conduct magical experiments, and explore the mysteries of the arcane. Their gatherings are vibrant, often featuring demonstrations of magical prowess and communal rituals to harness the moon's energy.    

The Caligo Sodality (Waning Aspect):

  The Caligo Sodality embraces the themes of closure, rest, and the preparation for endings. They provide support during the final stages of life and beyond, offering comfort to those nearing the end and their families. Rituals include night vigils, where stories of the departed are shared, and guidance is given for those about to cross into the afterlife. Their ceremonies are reflective, often held in the quiet of late night, symbolizing the waning of the moon and life.

In the moon's cycle there be wisdom and change


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