The Sanclestial Church

The Sanclestial Church venerates Solariel, the goddess of the sun, embodying the cycle of creation, maintenance, and closure. Structured similarly to the Lunarian Conclave, the Sanclestial Church also holds a hierarchical order reminiscent of ancient Egyptian religious governance. Founded in -2900 BA, the Sanclestial Church's doctrines emerged from ancient sun worship practices, which were formalized and expanded upon by its founders. The church established the city of Everglow as its spiritual center, which has since been a beacon of Solariel’s teachings.   The Church is divided into three sects, each aligned with one of Solariel’s aspects:   The Dawn Bringers focus on the creation and beginnings, celebrating the new day with rituals that emphasize rebirth and renewal. Their worship includes morning prayers and artistic offerings to Solariel Primora.   The Zenith Guardians concentrate on the sustenance of life and the order of society. They hold ceremonies at noon, promoting peace and harmony through community service and meditative practices.   The Dusk Watchers embrace the closure and endings, providing rites for the deceased and reflecting on life's impermanence with sunset vigils.

Divine Origins

The teachings, beliefs, and sacred rituals of the Sanclestial Church are rooted in the deep cosmic lore that originated with the Celestial Weavers, the mythic beings believed to have crafted the universe from the cosmic fabric of the Eternal Weave. These ancient doctrines were passed down through generations of Astral Elves, the earliest inhabitants of Obsolarium, who first witnessed the divine manifestations of Solariel and experienced her influence directly. As the Astral Elves interacted with other emerging races, their celestial knowledge spread, evolving into a more structured form of worship. The pivotal doctrines and rituals of the Sanclestial Church were formalized when the followers, drawn together by their devotion to Solariel, migrated to establish Everglow. Here, amidst a society striving to embody the ideals of light, life, and nature, the church's rituals were honed to align closely with the cycles of the sun and the teachings of Solariel’s aspects—reflecting the phases of creation, sustenance, and dissolution that she governs.   This organized religion not only facilitated a deeper understanding of the cosmos but also sought to embody Solariel's principles through communal practices, celebrations, and rites that emphasized harmony with the natural world and each other. The codification of these practices in Everglow helped transform disparate acts of sun worship into a unified system that profoundly shaped the spiritual and daily lives of its adherents.

Tenets of Faith

Honor the Cycle:

 Followers are taught to respect and honor the natural cycles of the day—dawn, noon, and dusk—reflecting Solariel's three aspects. Each part of the day is a time for specific prayers and rituals that align with the teachings of Solariel Primora, Solariel Meridia, and Vespera Solariel. Cultivate Life and Light: Devotees are encouraged to engage in activities that promote life, growth, and enlightenment. This includes agriculture, artistry, teaching, and other creative or nurturing professions that reflect the generative powers of Solariel.  

Preserve Balance and Harmony:

 Just as the sun fosters growth and life, followers must also work to maintain balance and harmony within their communities. This includes mediating conflicts, promoting peace, and ensuring that their actions contribute to the overall well-being of their society.  

Respect the Endings:

 Acknowledgment of life’s end is crucial. This involves proper respect for the deceased, support for end-of-life transitions, and acceptance of the natural conclusion of all things, which aligns with Vespera Solariel’s domain.  

Spread Light:

 Each follower is seen as a beacon of Solariel’s light, tasked with spreading kindness, wisdom, and understanding. They are to enlighten others not only through direct teachings but also through exemplary actions that reflect the goddess’s virtues.  

Protect the Innocent: 

As Solariel watches over the world, her followers are expected to protect those who cannot protect themselves, advocating for justice and safeguarding the vulnerable.


Sinful Acts:

  Environmental Destruction: Polluting water, deforesting lands, or hunting species to extinction.   Disruption of Peace: Engaging in or inciting unnecessary conflict, whether personal, social, or military.   Neglect of the Vulnerable: Ignoring the needs of the young, old, sick, or impoverished.  

Pious Acts:

  Creation and Innovation: Designing or creating something beneficial for the community, whether a piece of art, a new agricultural technique, or an architectural marvel.   Community Service: Organizing events or services that bring people together or aid those in need.   End-of-Life Care: Providing comfort and respect to those nearing the end of their life, ensuring they pass with dignity.


Daily Practices


Morning Devotions:

Each day begins with the Dawn Prayer, performed at sunrise. Followers gather to offer prayers and songs to Solariel Primora, seeking blessings for new beginnings and creative endeavors. Many also meditate on their plans for the day, dedicating their actions to the goddess.  

Noon Reflections:

 At zenith, when the sun is at its highest, adherents pause their day for a moment of reflection. This can involve a short prayer, meditation, or even a community gathering where people share food and stories. The focus is on celebrating life’s ongoing endeavors and seeking wisdom for maintaining harmony.  

Evening Communion: 

At sunset, the faithful participate in the Dusk Communion, a ritual that involves lighting candles and offering prayers to Vespera Solariel. This practice serves to honor those who have passed and to contemplate the endings in one’s own life. It is a time for forgiveness, letting go, and preparing for the renewal of the next day.  

Special Rituals

Solstice Celebrations: 

Twice a year, during the summer and winter solstices, grand festivals are held. These celebrations involve elaborate rituals that thank Solariel for her blessings. The summer solstice focuses on the full power of the sun and its life-giving force, while the winter solstice is a more introspective event that prepares the community for the rejuvenation of spring.  

Rite of Passage Ceremonies:

 Significant life events such as birth, coming of age, marriage, and death are marked by specific rituals. For instance, naming ceremonies for newborns invoke Solariel Primora’s blessings for a life filled with creativity and growth. Weddings may occur at noon, symbolizing the peak of life and the commitment to maintaining the bond through the zenith of personal challenges.  

Harvest Thanksgiving:

 At the end of the growing season, communities hold a Harvest Thanksgiving to honor Solariel’s bounty. This involves communal meals, artistic performances, and offerings of the first fruits and grains to the temples.  

Regular Traditions


Artistic Offerings:

 Since Solariel is associated with creation, regular offerings include artistic works. These can range from paintings and sculptures to dance performances and poetry readings, all dedicated to the goddess.  

Community Service:

 Regularly scheduled community service days are a practical application of Solariel’s teachings. These can include cleaning communal areas, helping the needy, or teaching skills to others.  

Environmental Stewardship: 

Activities like planting trees, cleaning rivers, and wildlife conservation efforts are common, reflecting the church’s commitment to preserving and enhancing nature as an act of worship to Solariel.


The Solaraoh:

 The Archsolarian is the supreme priest and leader of the Sanclestial Church. This individual is believed to be specially chosen by Solariel through signs and omens interpreted by the high priests. The Archsolarian is responsible for interpreting Solariel’s will, overseeing major religious ceremonies, and maintaining the unity and purity of the church's doctrines. They wear distinct robes adorned with golden embroidery that depict the cycles of the sun, signifying their direct connection to Solariel.  


  Each of Solariel's aspects—Primora, Meridia, and Vespera—is overseen by a Vizier, who specializes in the teachings and rituals specific to that aspect of the sun goddess. These Viziers are akin to the high priests in ancient Egypt, serving as top advisors to the Solaraoh and leaders of their respective temples.  

Temple Priests: 

Serving under the Aspect Viziers, these priests and priestesses handle daily rituals, guide the faithful, and administer sacraments. They are selected for their dedication and deep knowledge of the church's teachings. Their attire and ceremonial duties might mirror those of ancient Egyptian priests, complete with rituals of purification and offerings.  


 A special order within the church, these are the caretakers of the church’s sacred sites, relics, and scriptures. They are also tasked with educating the young and new converts about the faith. Selection for this role is based on a combination of scholarly aptitude and demonstrated loyalty to the church.  


Laypeople who have shown extraordinary devotion and service may be honored with the title of Annointed. They assist with community services and acts of charity, embodying the church's teachings in their daily lives. They wear a small insignia, typically a brooch or a pendant, featuring Solariel’s emblem.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Moral Authority: 

The church holds a position of moral authority and is often seen as a stabilizing force in times of political turmoil. Its teachings on harmony, order, and the cycle of life influence laws and governance, promoting policies that emphasize sustainability, peace, and ethical governance.  

Advisory Roles: 

Leaders and high-ranking clerics of the church often serve as advisors to monarchs and governing councils. Their guidance is sought in matters ranging from legal reforms to diplomatic negotiations, ensuring that the principles of Solariel—such as fairness, justice, and wisdom—are reflected in state decisions.  

Conflict Mediation: 

The church plays a crucial role in mediating conflicts, both between states and within communities. Its neutral stance and moral authority make it an ideal mediator in peace talks and reconciliation efforts. The church’s emphasis on the sunset aspect, which governs endings and resolutions, is particularly influential in these contexts.  

Social Integration and Control


Civic Engagement:

 The church encourages its followers to take active roles in their communities, promoting civic responsibility and participation in public affairs. This involvement ensures that the church's teachings are integrated into everyday life and decision-making processes at all levels of society.  

Legal Influence:

 The church's doctrines often influence the legal systems within regions where it holds sway. Laws regarding family, community welfare, and environmental protection may be deeply imbued with the church’s values, leading to legislation that supports communal harmony and the well-being of all citizens.  

Social Cohesion:

 By fostering a sense of community and shared values, the church helps to build social cohesion. Festivals, communal rituals, and church-led community service projects create strong bonds among people, which can transcend social and economic divisions.  

Economic Impact


Economic Decisions:

 The church’s teachings on stewardship and responsible use of resources influence economic policies and practices. This can include support for sustainable agricultural methods, fair trade practices, and ethical business operations that reflect the church’s commitment to creation and maintenance of the world.  

Charitable Works:

 The church is often involved in charitable works, providing support to the needy, which can influence social policies and government priorities. Its role in social welfare contributes to a safety net that can stabilize economies during downturns and support the most vulnerable in society.  

Educational Influence


Educational Endeavors: 

The church frequently establishes and supports educational institutions, from schools to universities, where the principles of Solariel are taught alongside secular subjects. This educational influence ensures that future generations are raised with values that support the church's teachings, perpetuating its influence over society.


1. Dawnbringers (Solariel Primora Sect)

  Focus: Celebrate and encourage new beginnings, fertility, creativity, and the nurturing of life.   Avatar of the Dawn: A chosen individual who embodies the spirit of creation and renewal. Believed to be imbued with Solariel’s power to inspire and heal.   Rituals and Festivals: Dawn ceremonies, planting festivals, and arts celebrations.  

2. Zenith Guardians (Solariel Meridia Sect)

  Focus: Uphold the laws, traditions, and the daily rhythms of life. They are often involved in governance and community service.   Avatar of the Zenith: A chosen leader known for their wisdom and fairness, often called upon to mediate disputes and guide civic planning.   Rituals and Festivals: Midday prayers, civic ceremonies, and celebrations of peace and order.  

3. Dusk Watchers (Vespera Solariel Sect)

  Focus: Facilitate peaceful endings, honor the deceased, and provide comfort to those in suffering or at the end of life.   Avatar of the Dusk: A compassionate figure skilled in end-of-life care and spiritual comfort, guiding souls to their rest.   Rituals and Festivals: Evening vigils, remembrance services, and rites of passage for the deceased.  

Religious Dynamics

While each sect operates independently on a day-to-day basis, they unite under the Church of Solariel for major festivals, shared temples, and in times of crisis.

From Dawn to Dusk, Light Guides Us

Founding Date
-2900 BA

Articles under The Sanclestial Church


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