Didi Dewdrop Character in Od | World Anvil
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Didi Dewdrop

Head Mistress Didi Dewdrop

Head Mistress at the Alywix Academy. She is the third Head Mistress after SOMEONE, and then Alywix herself.
by 還祠

A Fairy Promise

Alywix had garnered a strong relationship with the fairies in the Faewilds, and an even strong one with Didi. They became best friends and went on many adventures together. Alywix eventually wanted to settle down and fulfill her dream of starting a school, and he wanted Didi to help her. They worked together for the first few years, and the school was slowly growing, but Didi wasn't very interested in teaching. She felt there was still much she had to see and do, and so they went their separate ways.

Didi would still come and visit every so often, to regale her friend with her stories and see how the school was coming along. She would start to give guest lectures on the wonderous places she's been and the things she's seen. She would also give reports back to the Summer Queen on occasion, keeping up with her fairy duties. After some time, the school had grown quite a bit and Alywix, who was starting to get old, was looking for someone to take over in her place. Her first candidate was, of course, her good friend Didi. Didi was honored but had to decline. She didn't know the first thing about running a school, she barely spent time there! She was sad because she wanted too, and could see the slight disappointment in her friends eyes, so she promised that when the next Head Mistress retires, she would take her place.

Alywix eventually chose OTHER ONE to take her place as she had been assisting Alywix for many years, and was honestly much more qualified. The years pass, Didi starts teaching and taking care of the academy. Her friend Alywix passes and she is filled with overflowing determination to make the academy as great as possible. After some many more years OTHER ONE is finally ready to pass the torch to Didi, and Didi is finally ready to accept it.

A Fairies Touch

While Didi believes OTHER ONE did a good job, she saw a few areas that could use some improvement. The whole place had become far too clinical, and Didi sought to put a bit of fun and charm back into the academy.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Head Mistress
The Lost Fairy
Aligned Organization


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