Alywix Academy Campus Building / Landmark in Od | World Anvil
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Alywix Academy Campus

This is the campus for the Alywix Academy, more information on the academy itself and courses provided can be found here:
Alywix Academy
Organization | Jul 15, 2021

Basic Layout

Alywix Academy is located in the Alywix Forest, also known as the Academy Forest, west of Allsfield. The campus is fairly spread out, with different courses utilizing different areas in the forest.  

Main Hall

Located at the heart of the campus is the Main Hall, the entrance to the academy and home to all the administration needs around campus. Meals and general assemblies are held in the Main Hall.  

General Education

While the college has a focus on their education, there are a few classes they deem important enough that all students should take them. These classes are taught in the GE (General Education) building. Classes from other focuses might also be taught here, if their buildings don't provide adequate room or resource to teach a class. The GE Building itself is located near by the Main Hall, certainly the closest of all study areas on campus.  


  • Divination
  • Conjuration
  • Abjuration
  • Natural Studies



    The forest is filled with many different kinds of flora and fauna, perfect for the budding herbologist or potion master to practice and experiment with. While different materials for this practice are found all over the forest, the main Herblore building is located [SOMEWHERE NICE]  

    Artifacts and Archeology

    While not much archeology can be done on campus due to the nature of the profession, students can at least study their history, techniques, and best practices in the A&A building. Expeditions to archeological site are common to allow students the opportunity to get some real world experience. In the mean time, classes on histories
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