Greycott Settlement in Od | World Anvil
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As you continue down the road, you pass by some plots of farmland besides the road, scattered with scarecrows and growing wheat. The road winds a bit and you find yourself entering the small village of Greycott from the west. You enter the town square, and notice a large stage setup in the middle of it, with people, stagehands you assume, working to get everything ready for the next play. On the stage are a few actors practicing their lines.

Town of Theater

There isn't much to do in Greycott so the people like to spend their time performing in the theater! Almost every day as the work is ending you'll find someone puting on an act. A drama, a comedy, a one man play, a musical, or even a soap opera...  

All My Stars Are Yours

One of the most popular perforamces in Greycott is they ongoing serial, All My Stars Are Yours. It follows the lives of a group of friends in the fictional town of PLACE. It started off fairly reasonable in terms of plot, but as it went on the writers either started running out of ideas or realized the audience liked the more convoluted and unrealistic parts, or even, gods forbid, the writers themselves enjoy writing this shlock. This soap opera has been going on for years at this point, and like Carlos' third secret idential twin, shows no signs of stopping.  


Tales from the Knotted Carbuncle
4 party members set out on a quest
  • A wise human wizard, Hanzel Woodcrest
  • -- "Knowledge is stronger than any blade"
  • A quick Elven archer, Syladrya
  • -- "You'll hit the ground before you even know I'm there"
  • A noble Dwarf cleric, Genrick Rocksmasher
  • -- "I'll heal ya, but I can also make ya a headstone if ya prefer"
  • And a very brunt Goliath barbarian, Brick
  • -- "BRICK SMASH" Hired to slay an evil wizard, Zantriaxica (Zan-tree-axe-ick-a)
    They hire a carriage from the carriage man,
    On the way there they are attacked by bandits, highway men!
    Arrive at the tower, but the door is locked
    The wizard shoots lighting bolts at the from the top of the tower
    One of them deflects the lightning bolt into the door, blasting it open
    They enter the tower and exit at the top, face to face with the wizard
    They exchange words, and they fight
    They kick the wizard off the top of the tower, ending the battle
    They all laugh, stupid one liner, the play ends
    The Beggar and His Horse
    The Beggar and his Horse Basically, the beggar keeps getting his horse to kick people in the head
    - People think it's a photobooth, stick their head in, get kicked
    Eventually this sends the Beggar to jail
    The horse then breaks him out
    It ends with someone getting the Beggar to get kicked in the head by his own horse
    Location under


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