Mysty Valley Geographic Location in Od | World Anvil
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Mysty Valley

by genaralskar

On the southern end of Atheria, lies the mysterious Mysty Valley. A dense fog shrouds the valley, making it impossible to see more than a few feet in front of you.
Many stories legends exist around the valley, from tales to scare the children away, to boasts of wondrous treasure hidden somewhere within.
No one is quite sure where the fog is coming from, when it started, or why it's there.


Those that have entered the valley say it's impossible to know where you are or where you're going. The dense myst only allows you to see a few feet in front of you, and the landscape outside your vision seems to change almost at random. Walking back the way you came leads to a completely new area you've yet to see, walking in a straight line feels like walking in circles, and a lot of the times you wander right back where you started at the edge of the myst.


The valley is located between two mountain ranges. The valley itself is mostly flat, but it's hard to get a

Localized Phenomena

Some travelers have reported strange visions while inside the valley. Vivid memories from their past, events that may come to be, manifestations of fears and self doubt, a singing gnome. It's said all who enter the valley never leave the same, if at all.

Fauna & Flora

Large fish, named the Sky Tuna can sometimes be spotted flying near the edge of the valley's fog. They appear to spew dense fog from their gills, so some speculate this is the source of the valley's mysty nature.

Legends of the Valley

  It's said the valley is infested with dark and vile creatures only kept at bay by the mist itself. Entering into the valley is considered a death wish, as many who enter never leave again while those who do are never quite the same.
Tales tell of an ancient city hidden deep in the valley, housing a powerful secret that has been kept for uncounted years.
Some say the valley shows you a side of yourself you have yet to confront. Some change for the better, some regress deeper into themselves, while other's simply go mad.
Stories of ancient treasures peak the interest of many of the more greedy persuasion, but other more deadly legends keep many of them at bay.
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