Monte Settlement in Od | World Anvil
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Monte, the capital city of Linshore is a beautiful city located on the side of a cliff off the coast of Dragon's Maw. With winding roads leading up the hillside, its buildings tightly packed together, each looking over the last as you move upwards. The buildings are rectangular in shape, with lots of windows point towards the sea. The roofs are fairly flat orange roofs, or flat patio style roofs, with a variety of bright pastel colors donning the outside walls. A river flows down through the city, leading from the top of the hill down into the ocean. The main road crosses over this river many times as it winds its way up through the city up towards the capitol building, with many smaller roads shooting off to either similar elevation areas, or creating shortcuts to higher or lower ones. The river splits at the top of the hill, and merges again shortly afterwards, and the gap between the rivers is where the capitol building is located, overlooking all of Monte. Monte is known for its artistry, whether that be beautiful murals splayed across the walls, or the peaceful music billowing through the streets. The people seem very relaxed and easy going. It's easy to see why, with a beautiful view of Dragon's Maw never too far out of sight. There are many places to relax, and the people certainly take advantage of this.
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