South Shore Geographic Location in Od | World Anvil
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South Shore

South Shore is a peaceful land on the southern end of Linshore. It is home to a number of small farming and fishing communities.  


Life in South Shore is nearly idyllic. It's not the wealthiest nation in Atheria, but the people here don't need wealth to enjoy themselves. South Shore has little strategic value and not much in the way of wealthy resources, so its rare to find trouble brewing here. As such, it has garnered a bit of reputation as "Peace on Od."   Population South Shore's simple lifestyle brings in the easy going type of people. This includes a good amount of Humans and, Halflings. You'll also find a smattering of past adventurers that have chosen a simple life after retirement.  


Their main connections come from Camelot and trading along the Dragon's Maw. The used to trade with Strongcourt up until they recently closed their borders.   They are located next to the Mysty Valley, which is rarely visited, but there are a few small villages in that area. A stretch of road north of the mountains of the Mysty Valley connect South Shore to [ORANGE PLACE], but that path is rarely traveled as a boat usually is faster and safer.  


South Shore is a simple Kingdom, ruled by King [So and So].  


  • Fairport serves as the capitol of South Shore. It location makes it ideal
  • Noteable Landmarks



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