Order of Merrshaulk Organization in Od | World Anvil
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Order of Merrshaulk

The Order of Merrshaulk a group of Yaun-Ti who worship Merrshaulk. Most Yaun-Ti fall into the Order after conversion, or grow up into it. It is rare to find a Yaun-Ti who is not part of the Order, and the Order despises those above all else, considering them traitors.  


Their main belief is that their power is tied to their god's, and he shares it with them as a gift. His power grows as sacrifices are made in his name. He gets stronger for each soul sent to him, and as his power grows so does the Yuan-Ti's.
Merrshalk is believed to be sleeping right now, regaining His power until he can defeat the other gods and take over the world.  


The Order does the will of Merrshaulk, but during his slumber there must be someone else to lead the people. This person would be called The Head. The Head is an elder who leads the Order in line with the Will of Merrshaulk. The Head oversees sacrifices, conversions, births.
The Head is chosen as an elder as most Yuan-Ti do not live too long, so elders are highly respected warriors and strategists.   While The Head oversees the Order, there is a lot of infighting. Rank and power are determined by strength as they believe only the strong should lead. So to rise, or make someone else fall, one must prove themselves in combat, which happens a lot.   There are many sects or tribes of the Order spread across the desert. Each one is led by a Chief, who is often usurped through combat. The Chief decides how the group will act, which other tribes to ally with or even fight against, etc. Each group must still follow the orders of The Head or be eliminated by stronger more loyal tribes.  

Sacrifice and Conversion

A sacrifice to their god entails granting an entire soul, usually unwillingly. The soul is then taken by Merrshaulk and the person is killed.
A conversion is a little different, as only half the soul is sacrificed. This keeps the person alive while the empty half of their souls is filled with Merrshaulk's will, corrupting the person and turning them into a Yuan-Ti. A conversion does not grow Mershaulk's power as much, but more Yuan-Ti means more kidnappings which means more sacrifices.  

Life In The Order

Work within the order usually consists of finding people to sacrifice or convert to grow the power of their god. As a result, most sacrifices are from ill-prepared travelers, and most conversions aren't voluntary. Scouring the deserts for sacrifices is a dangerous task, and as a result leads to a high early death-rate for these Yaun-Ti, so they will usually convert more powerful people and adventures to add to their numbers.


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