Yaun-Ti Species in Od | World Anvil
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The Yaun-Ti aren't so much a race, but more a corrupted people. Most aren't born a Yaun-Ti, they are changed into one through a dark ritual. Yaun-Ti are creatures with the ability to shift from their previous form into a more snake like form. Some are able to become large, Naga-esc snakes, while others may only be able to change a few parts of their body.  

A New Breed

Yaun-Ti aren't the most fertile people. They find it hard to bear children, and it is always a celebration when a new one is born. Although, miscarriages or complications during birth leading to the death of the newborn are felt as a betrayal and the mother is usually killed as a result. To counteract their low birthrate, the Yaun-Ti look to "convert" outsiders. They kidnap innocent travelers and sacrifice a part of their soul to their god Merrshaulk, corrupting them and turning them into a Yaun-Ti. Natural born Yaun-Ti have not been corrupted by sacrifice, but they still retain their peoples ways, learning their values as they grow up. If a natural born becomes too combative, a part of their soul can be sacrificed to corrupt them as well. Non-corrupted natural born are usually more powerful, and much more respected than converts, so this act is only done in the most extreme circumstances.  


Most Yaun-Ti are found within the Black Rock Desert, scavenging and luring innocent travelers. Despite peoples best efforts, the Yuan-Ti are hard to track to their base. They spread across the desert in many smaller groups, so it's impossible to track them all down. They are wily and resilient; as soon as one group is taken care of another pops up just a quickly.  

Public Image

Yaun-Ti are largely hated, especially by the people of Oasis where they are a constant threat. People outside the desert don't know much about the Yuan-Ti, but the terrible stories that have been told of them are enough to put anyone off them.  

Noted Organizations

Yaun-Ti are mostly known to join the Order of Merrshaulk. There are a few split organizations, but they are small and mainly comprised of natural born Yuan-Ti, as they have not been corrupted by sacrifice.


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