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013 - Session Recap

From the Champion's Log of Cassius L’ivrogne

General Summary

Champion's Log #32
Date: Unknown

I never know how to start these things... they always feel so unofficial. When I steal Tocu’s journal and look through it, it’s always so well transcribed and worded. But for me, I can never get that same feel or flow. His words are like that of a steady flow of water... and mine are like cold grease... moldable, but never free flowing.
Anyways, today was eventful. Very eventful. From everything that happened in the dungeons, I don’t really want to go into much detail about that since... I’m going to be honest... a lot of that was a blur. I’m sure it has to do with -something- that the woman did to me back in Areti, but I digress.
Bear with me, and I shall set the scene: Bruun was staring at a statue. Yes. A statue, while I was given the task of interrogating this older man. Me. Interrogating another man... that is truly something else. What an insult to my character... What do I look like? A warrior with dirt under his fingernails? Like Bruun? I am a man of class and elegance... and apparently possesses a rather powerful- Eh... no... persuasive backhand.
Bruun giving me this task was not for naught... See Tocu? I can write fancy words too. He saw a beam of light coming through the statue. When I came out, Bruun was trying to push it. I truly thought that was normal for his kind. Some form of... cow-tipping, though instead of cow, it was statue tipping? Maybe because they’re heavier and harder to push? Eh... I wouldn’t be surprised if I was right. He pushed it out of the way, and to my surprise it was a room. Another dark-hallway, so we decided to follow it.
Delving into this dark expanse, we came across a stair-case. Of course, being the brave men and... woman that we are, we decided to climb (Ascend? I don't know... I'll ask Tocu later) it. Once reaching the top, we pushed the door open and found it to be the manor. Whose manor? Well, Ghiridelli’s manor. The manor of Ghiridelli.
The tunnel lead into a room in Ghiridelli's private estate, and I don't need to spell it out for you, me in the future of other intrusive reader... how rude of you. He was in on this nefarious plot to harm those innocent… uh… pirate civilians who just wanted to go and see this circus that was being put on. And... I mean... I've seen a few private, secret tunnels in the houses of these rich and powerful men. But um... I don't think I've ever seen pits filled with... battle newts (Blindheim). That doesn't work very well...
In the room, there was a window that looked down into the courtyard, where it seemed like Ghiridelli was meeting with some people, the woman alongside him. The party debated which course of action we should take. Confront Ghiridelli directly, or go and try to defend the people and try to save as many as we could. Which... I understand why we made the choice we did, but... think about how cool that would have been, had we dealt with him ourselves.
Ishka informed us that Ghiridelli was on the move, and we made a quick time decision to go and heroically defend the people of Corvolus. We made our way out of the room and closed the door mere moments before we heard the door open to the room on the other side. Everyone made their way down the stairs except for Indiana, who stayed to try and listen to what they were saying. Seeing that this action could prove valuable, I decided to stay back with Indiana before we made our way downstairs in case something went awry..
Although, when it came to getting downstairs, it was an ungraceful, unceremonious tumble. Luckily for us, I'm a stealthy tumbler, so nobody heard us and we escaped um… minorly battered, bruised, and one of us crushed. Big shock, it was me... okay, Indiana looked over my shoulder and saw this part and demanded me to say that we were both crushed. There... are you happy now?

  Update: She read that last part. She hit me.

  As we made our way out, we were about to heroically press forth before we had the realization that Benny would be a great benefit to our cause. Seeing as I was the most qualified, I volunteered to go, and leave the heroing to everyone else... but I took Tocu along with me, because I knew that I’d waste too much time talking, and... he typically reminds me to keep it short.
Tocu and I made our way to the circus grounds after the fighting had already started. After we met the fleeing crowd, Tocu and I got separated. He made it in through one of the entrances, and me? Well… I had to improvise. I drew the estoc, then sliced through the lining of the tent, seeing as they weren't going to be needing it anymore after this.
Making my way through the flap, the first thing to grace my eyes was a flaming Indiana… No, literally. Flaming. She was on fire. I guess you could say she looked pretty hot... It was at this moment that I realized, I only made that joke to myself. No one else will read this, and if they do... I’ll be mortified. ...So anyways, I rushed forwards and kicked the bird child out of the way, and threw my cape over her to help douse the flames.
From there, I lost sight of her as we were swarmed by a mob of people. I then noticed out of the corner of my eye, a red flash in the distance, followed by a splash of water. She was fine, surely. Standing next to her, though, was this… strange pink Frog creature. Its eyes flashed like that of lightning, blinding the crowd around it, before it spat its acidic, green, slimy, substance, killing some of the fleeing patrons. Given it’s aggressive nature, I’m calling it a battle toad. Blindheim.

  Side note: This is not how I envisioned this day going. I did not see myself, or the party fighting clowns, pastel battle toads, and... strong men, but... I guess anything happens in Corvolus. This place is so lively. It’s so... unique.

  I rushed from the crowd just in time to see Tocu dispatch one of these creatures. I ran right by him, engaging with the one that was located near Indiana, little did I know, it was the perfect seat to watch as Tocu rushed from the now dead battle toad, and absolutely unapologetically decimated the ring leader. Even though these were beasts, I think seeing that still broke their morale, some. I mean... I know I would.

Note to self: Do not anger Tocu when he is near his shield. You will die.

  After the ring-leader fell, so too, did all of the others. One by one they dropped like flies and combat came to an end... until we heard the heavy foot-falls of a group approaching. Being on edge all day, I was prepared for yet another scuffle, but luckily for us it was the Fez Guard! With Benny at the helm, and Ghiridelli in tow as prisoner. I was about to write about how I questioned him, but then I realized... I have backhanded and punched a lot of old men today. Am I really a good Champion? I mean... they kinda deserve it.
Report Date
19 Feb 2024


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