BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Cassius L’ivrogne (Kass-ee-us LEE-vron-nya)

Cassius was known as a servant. A more polite way for Nobility to call someone a slave. Different word, same meaning. Bring me drinks when I tell you to, don’t speak unless spoken to. Step out of line, and you are punished for doing so. Though, this servant was unlike the others.
  Cassius ran off of curiosity. A new experience? He met it with bravery and open arms. That was why... he made for a terrible servant, where he was beaten and battered by the nobles to keep the others in line. His behavior drew attention to him, a lot of bad, but... there was one that viewed him as something more than a servant that stepped out of line. Charles Beaumontigue , who was a traveling tournament Knight that represented the house of Oakensrest.
  Charles took Cassius under his wing, and gave him the last name of Oakensrest, for he liked his craving for adventure, traveling to a new place every night, and learning about the world for what it was. He learned many things from the Champion Knight that... struck him as ungodly, when for his whole child life, he knew the nobles of Oakensrest to appear Godly and Righteous, that of how he bent the rules to his advantage, the dirty dishonorable fighting, and the sabotage that nobody saw that gave him the advantage.
  What truly made Cassius question the legitimacy of how righteous everyone was, is the way all of the races treated each other... none treated each other as equals. Xenophobia and Racism was common in every town and settlement... and that’s where it all fell into place.
  One night... after meeting one of his closest compatriots Tocu, Last Shadow , a Catfolk Bounty hunter, around his same age, the two fled together to begin their own adventures. For Tocu, it was to become a Paladin, and for Cassius, it was to... find his god, if he could. Though, after trying... and trying... he found himself deaf to their voice. So Cassius started to take a dive, a fall from grace if you will. He started to drown himself in booze to forget about his past, and this brought him joy... when he was in this state.
  His drinking got so bad, that when Tocu eventually left him, not being able to stand the drunkard anymore. The man only fell deeper in the bottle, to fill the void where his sadness was. After a few bar crawls, and a few more “I don’t care, screw him”’s later, it hit him as he sat around a table having a few laughs with a man named Maximillian Caldwell. He found many a-friend drinking together, and after some reflection, he noticed that drink was -very- common amongst the fighters and tournament Knights, and likewise at the bottom of the totem pole, as well. Everyone enjoys a good drink, and a celebration. It brings people together.
  Revelry and celebration is how he will unite those together, and make them realize that they are the same despite their physical differences. The man felt a surge of... empowerment through himself. He was reinvigorated, and motivated, is going to do his best to unite the people of the realm, and do his best to leave this place better than he found it. Cassius Oakensrest is dead... born today, is Cassius L’ivrogne (LEE-vron-nya).
Chaotic Good


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