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Beni I

First of his name

"There must always be a Beni in Corvolas" Never have more arrogant words been spoken by this man and even down his line to the end of days. The first thing to come into few is that damned Red Fez and one knows that they are already going to be in deep trouble. That grating voice next as it utters with such a slimy tone of "My friends, my friends." This is the first that will always be heard of a Beni. And it all started here in the beginning with the first.

Starting as a lowly street rat when the city was no more than a shoddy dock that various pirate captains would stop in and lay low while they unloaded and hid their goods, he skittered over those above him offering himself as a spying servant to the various captains against one another. Over time, they would find their chests picked clean and all the information geared towards a vile war that weakened all that took part... well all except one, the child that had now become a man in his red fez. With his newfound wealth and adopting his new name of Beni, he began to finance a personal army as well as procure a few (most likely forged) documents of his noble bloodline. Thus the Red Fez Guard was born. He built a fine estate at the edge of Corvolas and vowed to clean up the streets of the city. Joining with Captain Luigi and a few others, they drove out some of the more riff-raff of thugs and thieves and created a new city order. And now that a few other nobles have moved in to the "cleaned up" city and plan to usurp some of his position, Beni will stop at nothing to keep rising to the top and push down any that may stand above him (which as a halfling is a majority of folk)

"Careful when you do business with Beni and the Red Fez Guard, for there are those that will warn you that you may be better off making a deal with a Devil or Fiend... at least with the Devil or Fiend, you may get something beneficial on your end." -Dalton Mako
Lawful Evil


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