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Yellow Musk Creeper

-Taken from a letter in the Tempest Hunter Library by Ishka

The thing was pretty big, mainly a collection of vines an all those yellow flowers that spit out them magical spores. The smell it gives off throughout the area is just in the name "musky" but kinda sweet, probably to try to lurn in more victims for it to infect. Strong enough to hide the smell of the corpse it was dragin around.
  Never really seen one of these things before, but i can say it's ugly as hell. It was still draggin around a corpse wit it, probably the victim it grabbed and used it as food since it looks like it needs some sort of a host body. Unfortunatly we got to see how it infects first hand, luckily the healers were able ta save Cassius. Somehow the spores it let's out messes wit ya mind, it feels like it's sorta similar to fea magic. After it seems to lure you in and make ya stupid, it grabs ahold of ya in shoots what looks ta be some finda seed into ya (luckily it was just down his throat). The effects seem happen almost instantly as after he lunged at Indiana. From what i heard from the healers, if he was left for about a day they wouldn't have been able to stop it. I'm guessing after a day or so it's irreversable, which i'm guessin were the zombies we had to fight.
  Never really figured out how long it was but some of them looked fresher than the others. So maybe a week or two old, i can only guess at how long it takes to turn into another one of these things. Maybe a month or so, but i don't plan on sticking around long enough to find out though. From the short encounter we had it seems they don't like fire or ice, it made the weirdest sound when hit by it... And watch out for them vines, they acted like chains when anyone got grabbed by them.

Yellow Musk Fever & Treatment

-Sketch of the Plant by Cassius L’ivrogne
Erathia & Serenthii
Deadliness Rating


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