Blue Dragonette

The Blue Dragonette is characterized by its calm demeanor and cautious nature, rarely displaying aggression unless provoked. However, when they perceive a threat to their territory or companions, they demonstrate courage and determination in defending them. They deter adversaries and safeguard their domain with swift flight and sharp claws. These creatures spend a significant amount of time in or around water, and as such are excelent swimmers.   Earning the trust and loyalty of a Blue Dragonette is a rewarding endeavor, as those who successfully bond with them are cherished and protected by these creatures. Once a bond is formed, the Blue Dragonette becomes fiercely protective of its chosen individual, extending its territorial instincts to ensure its well-being.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The habitat of the Blue Dragonette encompasses areas near bodies of water, such as rivers, lakes, and coastal regions. They are drawn to these environments for their tranquil presence and abundant food sources. Blue Dragonettes spend much of their time near water, whether perching on rocky outcrops overlooking the shoreline or gliding gracefully over the surface in search of prey. Their affinity for water influences their choice of habitat, making them commonly found in regions where aquatic ecosystems thrive.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Blue Dragonettes primarily feed on small fish, which they catch by diving into bodies of water or skimming the surface with their sharp claws. However, they consume insects and various plant matter when fish are scarce. Blue Dragonettes may exhibit cooperative behaviors when hunting or foraging, communicating with each other through vocal calls and body language to coordinate their efforts. This cooperation allows them to hunt larger prey more efficiently or to navigate times of food scarcity with greater success.

Additional Information


Domesticating a Blue Dragonette is a process that relies on building strong bonds with their caregivers. Once trust is established through gentle handling, positive reinforcement, and consistent care, Blue Dragonettes become affectionate and loyal companions. Providing a well-prepared home environment with ample space for flight and exploration is essential for their well-being. Their playful and curious nature makes them delightful companions, enriching the lives of those they bond with. Bonded Blue Dragonettes are known to express their affection by bringing gifts to their cherished humans, demonstrating their trust and appreciation in return.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Blue Dragonette possesses sensory capabilities similar to those of other species, including acute sight and hearing that aid in hunting and navigating its environment. Additionally, like some other Dragonettes, it may utilize echolocation to locate prey or objects in its surroundings, particularly when in or around water. One notable trait of the Blue Dragonette is its calming presence, which can have a soothing effect on those nearby.

Blue Dragonette

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


Type: Magical
Physical Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Composure 2, Manipulation 1, Presence 4
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 3, Resolve 2
Skills: Athletics 4, Brawl 1, Intimidation 1, Stealth 2, Survival 3, Socialize 3, Empathy 2
Size: 2
Speed: 15
Initiative: 6
Defense: 3
Willpower: 4
Health: 4
Claws 1L 6
Teeth 1L 3
Tail Swipe 1B 3
Fire 1L 7
Hightened Senses: +3 to sight and sound based perception checks
Echolocation: Ignore all dice penalties to visual action
Calming presence: anyone in their vicinity gets +2 to resist anger/frenzies


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