Yellow Dragonette

The Yellow Dragonette is characterized by its curious and affectionate nature. They are often found playfully exploring their surroundings, displaying a strong sense of loyalty, and forming deep bonds with those who treat them kindly. Their sunny disposition and eagerness to please make them highly trainable, enjoying learning new tricks and tasks. Yellow Dragonettes are quick learners and take great pride in impressing their caregivers with their accomplishments. They are attentive to the emotions of their caregivers and can be quite empathetic. These dragonettes require regular social interaction and mental stimulation, thriving in environments where they receive attention and love from their caregivers.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The habitat of the Yellow Dragonette typically includes wooded areas near settlements or places frequented by small groups of people. They enjoy observing the daily activities of humans and might even try to participate in playful ways. Yellow Dragonettes thrive where they can find companionship and engage in various activities, reflecting their social and curious nature.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Yellow Dragonettes primarily eat small insects, fruits, berries, and sometimes small rodents. They are also fond of human food and can be attracted to scraps and leftovers around settlements. When hunting or foraging for food, they utilize their keen senses of sight and hearing to locate prey or food sources within their environment. Their agile and playful nature enables them to explore and gather food efficiently in wooded areas or near human settlements.

Additional Information


Domesticating a Yellow Dragonette in Terra can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for those who manage to gain their trust. These dragonettes have a natural curiosity and affectionate nature, which makes them more amenable to forming bonds with their caregivers. However, building trust requires patience, consistency, and respect for their independence. Caretakers can begin by allowing the dragonette to become familiar with their presence and scent. Offering treats and favored items can be a helpful way to establish a positive association and encourage them to approach and interact with their potential caregiver. Training should be approached with positivity and gentleness, as Yellow Dragonettes respond well to encouragement and praise. A strong bond can be formed with time and dedication, resulting in a fulfilling partnership between the dragonette and its caregiver.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Yellow Dragonette possesses sensory capabilities typical of its species, including acute sight, hearing, and the ability to utilize echolocation to navigate its environment. However, their unique trait lies in their sunny dispositions, which can inexplicably lighten any mood. Those near the Dragonette often find themselves happier, suggesting an innate ability to uplift the spirits of those around them. This emotional sensitivity adds to their empathetic nature, allowing them to perceive and respond to the emotions of others, thereby enhancing their bonds with their caregivers and companions.

Yellow Dragonette

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


Type: Magical
Physical Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Composure 2, Manipulation 1, Presence 4
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 3, Resolve 2
Skills: Athletics 4, Brawl 1, Intimidation 1, Stealth 2, Survival 3, Socialize 3, Empathy 2
Size: 2
Speed: 15
Initiative: 6
Defense: 3
Willpower: 4
Health: 4
Claws 1L 6
Teeth 1L 3
Tail Swipe 1B 3
Fire 1L 7
Hightened Senses: +3 to sight and sound based perception checks
Echolocation: Ignore all dice penalties to visual action
Cheerful: Their sunny dispositions can lighten any mood. Those within the vicinity of the Dragonette have a +1 to resist any negative emotions


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