Mournbloom Flowers

Mournbloom Flowers are somber blooms found in the decaying undergrowth of the Blighted Woods or areas steeped in grief. Characterized by their dark blue hue, these flowers emit an air of melancholy. Their pollen can evoke feelings of sorrow and grief in those who come into contact with it. Mournbloom Flowers are haunting reminders of life's fragility and the weight of loss in the world.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

The growth rate of Mournbloom Flowers is relatively slow, mirroring the solemn pace of their surroundings. These flowers progress through several stages of development, beginning as small buds nestled amidst the decaying undergrowth of the Blighted Woods or areas saturated with grief. Over time, the buds slowly unfurl, revealing the dark blue petals that characterize Mournbloom Flowers. As they mature, the flowers release their pollen, carrying an air of melancholy that evokes sorrow and grief in those who encounter it.   Growing and caring for Mournbloom Flowers requires creating an environment steeped in sorrow and grief, mimicking the conditions of the Blighted Woods or areas saturated with melancholy. To cultivate Mournbloom Flowers, one must provide soil rich in nutrients, preferably with a high organic content to support their growth. Also, maintaining a consistent moisture level is essential, as these flowers thrive in damp conditions. While their care may seem straightforward, it is crucial to approach the cultivation of Mournbloom Flowers with caution, as exposure to their pollen can evoke profound feelings of sadness and grief in those who come into contact with it.

Ecology and Habitats

Mournbloom Flowers grow amidst the decaying undergrowth of the Blighted Woods or in areas saturated with grief. They thrive in environments where sorrow and despair linger.

Biological Cycle

The biology of Mournbloom Flowers is minimally affected by the passing of time and seasonal changes, as their growth is primarily influenced by the prevailing atmosphere of sorrow and grief in their environment. These flowers maintain a relatively consistent growth rate throughout the year, with their development largely independent of seasonal fluctuations. However, they may exhibit slight variations in flowering patterns in response to subtle shifts in environmental conditions, such as temperature or humidity.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Mournbloom Flowers are rarely used in everyday life due to the inherent dangers of obtaining them from the Blighted Woods, where they typically grow. The treacherous environment and the melancholic aura surrounding these flowers deter most individuals from seeking them out for practical purposes. As a result, Mournbloom Flowers remain exceptionally rare in everyday life, with their presence limited to specialized circumstances or occasions where their unique properties may be sought after, despite the risks involved in acquiring them.   Mournbloom Flowers are occasionally utilized to craft magic items and potions due to their unique ability to evoke sorrow and grief. The petals of these flowers may be incorporated into enchantments or alchemical concoctions aimed at inducing emotional states or enhancing the potency of spells related to sadness or mourning. However, such applications are rare.

Type: Magical
Rarity: Rare
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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