Pink Sand Verbena

Pink Sand Verbena, as it is colloquially known, is a flowering plant characterized by its delicate pink blossoms and succulent leaves. It typically grows in sandy coastal environments, thriving in the arid conditions of its habitat. The plant's clusters of small, trumpet-shaped flowers attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies, contributing to the local ecosystem's biodiversity. Pink Sand Verbena is valued for its ornamental beauty and resilience in harsh coastal climates, making it a sought-after addition to gardens and landscaping projects.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Pink Sand Verbena thrives in coastal habitats with sandy soils and arid conditions. It is commonly found along beaches, dunes, and coastal plains, where it withstands the harsh environmental pressures of salt spray and strong winds.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Pink Sand Verbena serves various medicinal and practical purposes. The flowers and roots of the plant are utilized in traditional remedies to alleviate stomach and bowel problems. A cold infusion from Pink Sand Verbena is also applied topically as a lotion to treat mouth sores. It is also used in foot baths to relieve fatigue and refresh tired feet. These uses highlight the plant's significance in folk medicine and its practical applications in promoting well-being and comfort.   Pink Sand Verbena holds significance in crafting certain magical items and potions due to its purported mystical properties. In some enchantments, the plant's delicate flowers and roots are incorporated to imbue potions with qualities associated with healing and rejuvenation. Additionally, Pink Sand Verbena may be utilized in rituals that promote vitality, protection, or purification, where its presence is believed to enhance the potency of magical workings. Its association with coastal environments and resilience in harsh conditions lends an air of strength and endurance to mystical concoctions and artifacts in which it is utilized.

Type: Mundane
Rarity: Very Rare due to Habitat and difficulty to harvest
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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