Mute Swan

The mute swan is a large, elegant bird known for its graceful appearance and serene demeanor. It boasts a striking white plumage and a distinctive orange bill with a black knob at its base. This avian creature possesses a long, slender neck, which it often extends proudly as it glides across the tranquil waters of rivers and lakes. With its mighty wings, the mute swan can propel itself gracefully through the water or take to the skies . Despite its name, the mute swan is not entirely silent; it emits a variety of vocalizations, including soft grunts and hisses, particularly during courtship displays or when defending its territory.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The mute swan typically inhabits bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, ponds, and marshes.

Additional Information


The domestication of mute swans is rare, primarily due to their wild nature and territorial behaviors. While some attempts have been made to tame and keep mute swans in captivity for ornamental purposes, their aggressive tendencies and specific habitat requirements make them challenging to manage in domestic settings. However, in areas where they are kept, mute swans may be provided with ample space and suitable water sources to mimic their natural habitat, allowing them to thrive under human care to some extent.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The mute swan serves various purposes for the people of Terra. Its meat is considered a delicacy and is often sought after for feasts and special occasions. Additionally, the feathers of the mute swan are highly prized for their softness and are used in creating luxurious garments and decorative items. Mute swans are also kept for ornamental purposes, adorning the gardens and estates of nobility with their graceful presence.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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