Screech Owl

The Screech Owl is a small nocturnal bird known for its distinctive call, which resembles a high-pitched screech. It has a compact body, rounded wings, and a flattened facial disc with large, forward-facing eyes. The Screech Owl's plumage can vary in color, ranging from gray and brown to reddish-brown and even white, providing excellent camouflage against tree bark. Despite its small size, the Screech Owl is a skilled hunter, preying on insects, small mammals, and other birds under the cover of darkness. It roosts in tree cavities during the day, emerging at dusk to hunt for food under the cover of darkness.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The Screech Owl typically inhabits forests, woodlands, and wooded areas with ample tree cover, where it can find suitable roosting sites and abundant prey.

Additional Information


The domestication of Screech Owls in Terra is rare, primarily because they are wild birds with specific habitat and dietary requirements. Additionally, Screech Owls are nocturnal hunters and prefer to roost in tree cavities during the day, making them unsuitable for captivity. While some individuals may attempt to keep Screech Owls as pets or for falconry purposes, these efforts are often met with limited success due to the birds' instinctual behaviors and specialized needs. As a result, Screech Owls remain predominantly wild creatures, rarely, if ever, subjected to the constraints of human captivity or domestication in the realms of Terra.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The people of Terra do not commonly use the Screech Owl for practical purposes.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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