
Theurgists on the Path of the Mighty,
Scions of the Watchtower of the Golden Key in the Realm of the Aether,
Kingdom of the Celestial Spheres and Abode of Angels
  Mages who Awaken with a connection to the Kingdom of the Celestial Spheres often recall their Awakening as being struck by divine lightning and becoming the thunder. With no warning and no clear understanding of why, they are overcome with the absolute certainty that they are the champions of the Divine — though how they define “the Divine” seems to vary drastically. Some feel the Divine to be a patriarchal god of judgment. Others sense the Divine as a manifestation of immanent Nature, while still others feel it to be an ongoing sentient process of self-aware coincidence. Whatever they feel the Divine to be — and many take years trying to discern just what force it is they serve — the Mighty all agree that they were Awakened to serve as Its warriors.   Ultimately, no particular faith unites mages on the Path of the Mighty. It is their shared conviction in doing the right thing, fighting the good fight and making the will of the Divine manifest on Earth (and elsewhere). Obrimos are committed to doing what they see as just and right for the greater good. As they see it, the world has lost its way, and they have been charged with putting it back on track — by any means necessary. Others associate them with the tarot card of “Strength,” wielding an indomitable will with unwavering purpose.   This sense of divine right gives the Obrimos a confidence that is hard to shake. They suffer from self-doubt less than most others and frequently suffer from a rather ironic case of hubris. An Obrimos mage is aware that the world is made of energy and magic, and he’s been given the right to wield it. Lacking any direct communiqué from a divine being, many come to the conclusion that their own wills are the divine will. What they say goes, even if it conflicts with what another mage says — even another Obrimos.


The Adamantine Arrow is ideal for Obrimos. It is the most warlike of the orders and Theurges’ talents (not to mention temperaments) are ideally suited to waging war. Many Obrimos (those who appreciate the security of a well-defined hierarchy) also find themselves drawn to the Silver Ladder. Some Obrimos join the Free Council because they seek to bring their Forces magic into the present with the power of science. Others join the Guardians of the Veil to act as the high powered defenders of the Mysteries. Those who join the Mysterium usually do so in order to seek out lore that will make them better artificers or to find material components for some manner of imbued weapon they intend to build.


“Enlightening.” Things become self-luminous, seeming to glow from within, and the air becomes charged with energy, accompanied by the smell of burning ozone or unseen smoke. Everything seems to be preordained, divinely chosen. With powerful magic, a distant choir might be heard

Notable Members



Theurgists, Thaumaturgists, Templars, Storm-Wise (Neolithic)



Favored Attribute


Ruling Arcana


Inferior Arcanum


Genetic Ancestor(s)


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