"One of my closest friends, and possibly the main reason I have friends at all. She has been instrumental in so many events in my life, in such a short amount of time, that I do not think I could possibly separate out all that she has done for me, whether she knows she did it or not. She ensured that Ren and I ceased our cautious dance of mutual attraction, and is responsible for my having friends on the ARK...and recognising the ones I already had but did not realise it at the time. She has and still is teaching me how to be a friend at all. And none of this does more than even begin to highlight who she is as a person. Fierce, principled, brave, intelligent, skilled...the list of accolades is endless. She is someone I admire greatly, and I cherish her presence in my life. If there was one point of contention between us, it would be the matter of her pacifism and my dedication to the arts of war. Thus far it has not been an issue, and there have been moments, actions on her part that reassure me that she is not pacifistic to the point of self-destruction, so I will quietly accept that she simply has her own ways as much as I do. She is my friend, and if I cannot do that much, what sort of friend would I be? She taught me better."