Session 21 - The end of the Winding Way Report Report in Oerth | World Anvil

Session 21 - The end of the Winding Way Report

General Summary

Moonday 10 Ready'reat - Midday

  Looking up the hallway toward the crystal statue of a Minotaur, the party moves toward the room ahead while fighting through the noxious odor. "Of course I know that smell!" Kyra exclaims, "Ghasts are nearby!"  

Suddenly, the colossal Minotaur ponderously raises it great-axe and lumbers toward the party. Thunder rolling with each massive step toward them. Karia and Armando step forward to meet the living statue in combat. Both fighters strike the crystal and shards of crystal spray outward cutting and smashing back into the attackers. Behind the Minotaur, a very large zombie trundles forward but the narrow passageway prevents it from bypassing the Minotaur. In addition, the party sees two undead creatures further back in the room like Kyra predicted.

Feeling overwelmed as crystal shards shatter outward with each strike, the party strategically falls back down the hallway. Nar snipes with her bow and backs behind a corner
, while Armando and Karia strike and backtrack with more crystal shards striking them. Blood flows freely from the numerous cuts and wounds. Kyra and Adlia back around the corner with each of them repeatedly pointing at the statue while tinging a small bell but no visible damage appears. As Karia and Armando track around the corner, the Minotaur strikes Karia dropping her unconscious. Armando stands his ground while Nar dashes forward then struggles to drag her friend's body back out of harm's way.   The statue misses Armando who hammers back at the statue shattering the crystalline structure into thousands of pieces. The zombie steps forward crunching the crystal pieces beneath while swinging its morningstar at Armando. Armando barely lifts his sword in time to deflect the charge. Nar dashes forward to pour a healing potion down Karia's mouth. Adlia and Kyra take continue summoning the tolling necrotic energies at the ogre zombie as Nar pours a potion of healing down Karia's throat.   Karia stands backup asking, "What the hell happened?"   Armando replies while pointing toward Nar, "She kissed you!"   Karia looks acros at Nar who blows a kiss at Karia while stating, "The kiss of life that is."   The battle rages onward with the ogre zombie slowly pushing the party further back down the hallway. Suddenly, Armando breaks and rushes past Kyra and Adlia behind the next corner while shouting, "I can't handle more of this. Someone else needs to help out."   Karia looks back to see where Armando went and the Ogre Zombie pummels her into the ground. Nar dashes forward and drags her friend's body back around the next corner and searches Karia's body for another potion. Meanwhile the zombie shuffles forward as the bells of Kyra and Adlia continue to peal. After Nar administers another potion, Karia climbs back to her
feet as the zombie finally loses it's animated essence and flumps to the floor. The party quickly handles the two remaining ghasts, then collects their discarded weapons in the hallway.   "Thank the goddess," sighs Adlia. "That was tough and I think we all need a bit of a rest."   The party debates for a few minutes as everyone catches their breath and decide to head back to the room where they rested just a few hours ago. The guards are still sitting at their makeshift table playing cards and drinking. As the party enters, the veterans look up in horror at the carnage hanging from the party's gear and clothing.   Nar smiles and asks, "Did you see anyone or anything while we were gone?"   One of the veterans dully replies, "Umm Bayleaf came back went to his room and then left again in a really foul mood. What did you do to his room?"   "Let's just say that we just secured the room," quips Nar and the veterans nod and turn back to their cards.   Inside the room, the party spends a few minutes barricading the door again and then settle down to patch their wounds and recuperate. The party then discusses what to do next. They debate between just leaving the Winding Way alone for the loss that it is or going through the remaining hidden door from the false treasure room. Alternatively, should the party finish exploring the rooms off the main hall. After several minutes, the group decides that they have to examine all paths within the Winding Way before heading home, so they trudge back through the main hall and into the winding paths beyond tracing back to the broken jade statue.   Karia pushes the chest out of the way and then opens the hidden door revealing a short hallway with two doors at its end.   "Seriously?" quips Kyra, "Can't this dungeon just end."   Continuing the party opens the door to the right and walk down yet another hallway with another door straight ahead. Karia examines the door. She then pulls on the handle as a loud crack resounds within the hall as a slab of the ceiling collapses ontop of her.   Crawling out from the rumble, Karia slowly stands back up and the party continues down the hallway avoiding tripwires and illusorary floors until standing before a door at the end of the hallway. Karia looks dubiously at it as Kyra steps forward and flings it open and a crossbow bolt thuds into the wall behind her.   Kyra fumes, "I'm so damn tired of these boobytraps."   Backtracking, the party finds themselves before the other door in the hidden passageway. Being cautious, the party swings the door open with everyone taking cover and view a large room that seems to be covered in black iron with bags, chests, and urns scattered throughout. Dominating the center of the room are two large stone pillars that appear to support the ceiling.   Suddenly a shimmering passes between the party and the two pillars revealing that those pillars are two humanoids made of the same iron as the rest of the room.
Armando and Karia step into the room and the two living iron statues move to attack. The battle rages hotly as the statues attack. One suddenly spins wildly knocking both Karia and Armando down to the ground. From outside the room, Adlia and Kyra toll their bells causing small chunks of metal to fracture while Nar snipes from the edges. The living statues are quickly overwelmed and buckle to the floor.
  The party searches the room finding silver and gold coins along with silken bolts and a few magic items. Gathering it all into their bag of holding, they march back to the main room and finish clearing out the remaining rooms. On the other side of the stairwell they enter a room with lots of statues including two life sized statues, with one being a skeleton and the other a medusa.   Karia notices scuff marks leading up to the medusa statue, so the party pushes it onto its side revealing a hidden compartment with a few interesting items, including scrolls, a holy symbol, and a gilded tome.   Moving on, the party enters the next room that contains bookcases filled with scrolls and several bedrolls. They spend a few minutes searching the scrolls before moving onward to a make-shift kitchen that contains nothing of interest either. Searching the final room turns up a dagger in a whalebone scabbard and a suit of studded leather armor, but nothing more.   Taking the guards in tow, the party exits the ruins of the abbey and head south back toward the beaches. Suddenly, Bayleaf rages toward them demanding they return everything and escort him to the mainland.   Kyra's patience breaks as she states, "I'm so done with this island, so I'll give you two choices. Be our prisoner or die right here and right now."   Bayleaf looks ready to battle, but he looks over the scars and steadfast faces and holds out his hands in supplication.   Kyra claps the hands in iron cuffs and then lifts him as she flies straight to The Sea Ghost where Capt O'Donahue secures him and then sends the jolly boat to retrieve the remaining party members and their guests.   After getting everyone aboard, Capt O'Donahue turns the ship northward toward Saltmarsh. As the afternoon turns to evening, a ballista arcs across the bow and a voice orders, "Heave To and prepare for boarding!" Looking around, the party sees a frigate sailing out of the sun in the west on a collision course.   As the ship pulls alongside, the party sees the Keoland lion flying atop the main mast and decide to hear out the ship. Captain Thurgard comes aboard questioning O'Donahue, "Identify yourself and your business!"   Capt O'Donahue explains, "No need to huff, we've just come from clearing Abbey Island and are returning to Saltmarsh."   Karia continues, "We're basically an extension of the council so why are you interferring?"   "This ship fits the description of a pirate ship," Captain Thurgard explains. "Where did you come by this ship and how long have you owned it?"   Kyra approaches and clarifies, "We liberated it from smugglers several months back and registered it within Saltmarsh. When was your pirate ship last seen?"   Captain Thurgard reviews the papers handed handed over by O'Donahue, then replies, "This was a day or two ago, so clearly it wasn't you or your ship. We'll be on our way and you can be on yours."   As the sun lowers from its zenith, the Sea Ghost finally pulls back up to the docks of Saltmarsh. The party can hear a faint voice yelling from up the road as they see a person running toward the ship. The runner quickly reaches the docks and yells over as the gangplank swings into place, "Narsherekir! I've got a letter for Nar Sherekir! Is she on board?"   "I'm here," declares Nar from behind the railing. The messenger quickly hands over the letter and then scampers away. Opening it, Nar silently reads it before sharing, "It's from our friend Mina! She's made it to the monastary but she wanted to share a vision she received while in the council hall. It seems there are dark threads surrounding Saltmarsh and we are the key."

Rewards Granted

Experience Points: 1,450 per person
Total XP: 11,111 (next level 14,000)  
10 pp
270 gp
180 sp
480 gp
1,200 sp
Gems and Jewelry (worth 1,000 gp total)
Five (5) bolts of rare silk cloth (worth 100 gp/ea)
Two (2) Potions of red liquid Identify
Potion of Healing

Large Bag Identify
Bag of Holding

Mithral Armor (medium size)
Spell Scroll (beneath Medusa Statue) Identify

Spell Scroll (beneath Medusa Statue) Identify
Hold Person

Gilded Tome Identify
Written in Aquan and Infernal describing dark ritual incantations (worth 50 gp)

Large Silver Holy Symbol (worth 50 gp)
Two (2) Vials of Rare ink (worth 25 gp/ea)
Three (3) large butcher knives (effectively daggers)
One (1) scroll of recipes Read
Flatbread, Fishhead Stew, Seagull Loaf, and Seagull Pate

Pouch with 25gp
One (1) dagger with laminated whalebone handle and scabbard (worth 50 gp)
Studded Leather Armor

Missions/Quests Completed

Cleared cultists from Abbey Island
Encountered Keoland Navy vessel
Received Mina's Letter to Nar

Character(s) interacted with

Captain O'Donahue
Captain Thurgard of the Keoland Navy


Experience Points Calculation
MonsterQuantityExperience PerTotal XP
Minotaur Living Crystal Statue12,3002,300
Ogre Zombie1450450
Living Iron Statue21,8003,600

Total XP = 7,250 / #players (5) = 1,450

Secrets of the Saltmarsh
Report Date
18 Aug 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location