Saltmarsh Settlement in Oerth | World Anvil


Drawn generations ago by the wealth of the nearby fisheries, hardy folk scratched out this small village in the shadow of the dangerous Dreadwood Forest to the north and the Hool Marshes to the west. The village has survived countless storms, monsters, and invaders. So when the great Keoland families sought glory and fortune expanding the border, these folk kept to their boats and their farms and were comfortably ignored by the economics and policies of the King. Not seeking (and certainly not receiving) royal attention, the people of Saltmarsh have survived for generations through sheer strength of will.   A town of deep roots, the residents of this little village have spent generations of blood, sweat, tears maintaining their lifestyle. Pride in what they have accomplished fills each resident. Some speak of monuments built by their forbearers, others readily recount the tale of how some heroic ancestor defended the village from harm. And, like fisherfolk everywhere, they all have a tale about surviving a terrible storm through the grace of Procan, the capricious god of the sea. Though proud, the people of Saltmarsh seclude themselves from the world and greet the rare stranger coolly, preferring to be left to their own devices.   Saltmarsh is fairly isolated in the County of Salinmoor. There are only a few neighboring settlements with the closest being the large town of Seaton that functions as a regional naval port for the duke of Salinmoor. In addition, there is the outpost, Burle, to the north that patrols the edge of the Dreadwood. Finally there are a few farming enclaves that provide rations to all three communities, and beyond if the year was plentiful.    




Majority human


A town council provides leadership, interprets the King's Commands, and passes local ordinances. In addition, they collaborate on a weekly report to the Duke in Seaton, who represents the King's interest. Mostly, the council's focus is on managing the fishing industry and establishing practices that will allow for fishing growth without damaging it as a resource.


Hool Watchtower

Industry & Trade

Fishing is the predominate industry. Woodcutting and lumber are a far second in importance. To the east along the coast, dwarves are attempting to make inroads on mining precious metals. Trade vessels take cargo from settlements upriver like Burle and Nine Oaks and then ship them across the seas.


Hool Watchtower, Sharkfin Bridge, Council Hall, Fishmongers' Plants, Carpenter's Guildhall, docks, etc

Guilds and Factions

Carpenter's Guild Mariner's Guild Loyalists - Those appointed by the crown to bring urbanization Traditionalists - Native Marshans who prefer the settlement prioritize fishing Fishing industry - The bread and butter of Saltmarsh but will it stay the most populous economic endeavor Miners - Dwarves from the mine to the east are starting to look at Saltmarsh for a way to let loose


Saltmarsh was founded by fishermen because the deep narrow bay provided a safe haven for their boats. With the natural harbor for boats and a fresh source of water in the Kingfisher River, the settlement had most immediate resources to survive. And survive it did and even incrementally expanded as the townfolk remained moderately prosperous. It would've kept expand more rapidly, except the dangers surrounding this village keep all but the most adventurous from approaching.


Effectively none.


Mostly wooden, but there are a few stone buildings.


Nestled between rolling hills to the east and marshes to the west, Saltmarsh brackets a larger river bay that stretches up to Burle and beyond.

Natural Resources

Coastal fishing grounds Wood from local forests

  image from Ghosts of Saltmarsh module published by WoTC.


  • Saltmarsh - Player View
    The town council once commissioned a wizard to provide an accurate map of their town.
Fishing village Saltmarsh in the county of Salinmoor
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Plots
Suffered damage from a Lizardmen raid in 522CY   In 568CY, a horde of Goblins streamed out from the Dreadwood forests, devastated farmland, and swarmed the village. However, Capt. Fireborn used his superior tactics to turn the brunt of the attack aside. Once broken, the goblins dissipated and melted back into the countryside and presumably headed back into the depths of the Dreadwood Forest.

Articles under Saltmarsh

  • 522 CY

    534 CY

    Battle of Saltmarsh
    Military action

    Lizardfolk routinely attack the village of Saltmarsh. The village had been expanding farmland westward and crossed into Lizardfolk hunting grounds.

    Additional timelines
  • 533 CY

    534 CY

    Defensive Wall constructed
    Construction beginning/end

    Due to the continued lizardfolk raids, the village starts and completes the defensive wall on the western road. Thus ensuring added protection within the village but curtailing growth toward the west.

  • 556 CY

    Political event

    Upon the death of his father, Leiland Kimbertos, Mandrake Kimbertos was christened as King Skotti.

    Additional timelines
  • 559 CY

    15 Patchwell

    Councillor Eda Oweland elected
    Political event

    Eda Oweland gets elected after Aubreck Drallion dropped out of the race and endorsed Eda as candidate.

  • 560 CY


    The Wicker Goat
    Cultural event

    Lankus Kurrid buys The Wicker Goat

  • 566 CY


    King Appointments
    Political event

    Captain Eliander Fireborn and Manistrad Copperlocks arrive in town with a royal writ declaring confidence in both individuals for the royal tasks appointed to them. The town council responds in shock, but allows the newcomers to assume positions as stated in the writ.

  • 566 CY


    The Revitalization Proclamation
    Diplomatic action

    On the twenty second of Sunsebb in this year of 566, King Skotti formally signs a proclamation allowing for those brave and inventive souls that represent the heart of Keoland yet were born elsewhere citizenship within Keoland on the basis that such individuals will carve out new economic endeavors in the southern regions of Keoland.

    Additional timelines
  • 567 CY


    First Revitalization Migrants
    Population Migration / Travel

    The first migrants responding to the King Skott's proclamation arrive in Saltmarsh. The town welcomes them, outfits them, and they head east to seek treasure.

  • 567 CY


    The Goblin overrun
    Disaster / Destruction

    A horde of goblins invade the countryside destroying fields and crops. They sweep into town, but Capt Fireborn turns them aside.

  • 568 CY

    12 Reaping

    Solmor Fishing Fleet Attacked
    Life, Death

    Sea Princes raid the Solmor fishing fleet in open waters. Most of the fleet escapes, but the gem of the fleet, the Grand Swallow, was captured with Petra Solmor as Captain. She was last seen sinking beneath the waves after being thrown off the bow.

  • 571 CY

    6 Flocktime

    You arrive in Saltmarsh
    Life, Milestone

    You saw the Revitalization Proclamation signed by King Skotti of Keoland and decided that your fortunes lay not at home, but elsewhere in the great Oerth. You therefore traveled to the hinterland of Keoland hoping to be welcomed as an adventurer extraordinaire, but instead found your welcome less than desirable.

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