Claudia Stilinski

Claudia Elżbieta Stilinski- Gajos

Claudia Stilinski was the wife of Noah Stilinski and mother of Stiles Stilinski.

She was a committed activist, and worked for the Human Dignity Project, a non-profit which helped unhoused people find employment and housing.

In her late 20s, she began suffer from aphasia, which were eventually diagnosed as a symptom of Frontotemporal Demensia, an untreatable form of early onsent demensia, which ultimately lead to her death three years later.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Claudia Gajos was born to Polish imigrants Elżbieta and Mieczysław Gajos in Eugene, OR, in 1972.

When she was 16, her family moved to Beacon Hills when her father took a job at the Power Plant there. She attended Beacon Hills High School for her junior and senior years, where she befriended Natalie Martin.

She moved to Los Angeles for college, working in retail to support herself. While at college, she was heavily involved with student activist organisations, and took part in a number of protests. Through her first year room-mate and lifelong friend Steve Harris, a transman, she was introduced to the LGBTQ rights movement, and became an active ally.

While visiting her parents in 1993, she met Noah Stilinski, who had recently returned to Beacon Hills after serving in the Army, and he asked her out. Although she had reservations about the fact that he had recently joined the Beacon County Sheriff's Department, they got along well, and soon began a relationship.

After a year of dating long distance, she recieved her undergraduate degree and decided to return to Beacon Hills and apply to UCSF for her Masters. Against her parents objections, she moved in with Noah, and their only child, Stiles Stilinski, was born the following year.

After two years of her parents encouragment, she agreed to marry Noah, and took his name.

She recieved her Masters in 1997, and took a job in San Francisco, working for the Human Dignity Project.

In 2002, she began experiencing insomnia, mood swings, and persisent aphasia. After seeing a number of doctors, she was finally disagnosed with Fronto-Temporal Demensia. Her condition worsened rapidly, and it became impossible for her to remain at home, and she was sent first to Eichen House, and later Beacon Hills Memorial.

In her last weeks, she became increasingly paranoid, and became convinced that Stiles was an imposter, or was poisoning her.

She died in hospital in 2004. Stiles was by her side when she died.


She attended UCLA, where she completed a pre-law undergraduate degree, but ultimately chose not to take the bar, instead doing a Masters in social work.

She was the first member of her family to go to University.


After recieving her Masters, she took a job at the Human Dignity Project in San Francisco, working to help unhoused people find work and stable accomodation.

Morality & Philosophy

Claudia was a deeply moral person, and could be uncompromising in her principles.


Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
23rd November 1972
Date of Death
18th January 2004
1972 CE 2004 CE 32 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died of Frontotemporal Demensia
Eugene, Oregon
Place of Death
Known Languages
English (native), Polish (native), Spanish (proficient)


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