Hekate and Hecuba

Hecuba was queen of Troy, and mother of Troilus.

After Troy fell to the hands of the Greeks during the Trojan war, Hecuba was taken prisoner by the king of Thrace, who intended to take her back to his palace as a prize.

Prefering death to capture, and seeking to avenger her son, who had died in the final battle, Hecuba stole a knife and cut the king's throat, before running out to the deck and throwing herself into the sea.

Although she did drown, her actions were observed by Hekate, who was impressed by her courage, and moved by her tragedy. In recognition of this, she carried a torch up to the star Maira, and lit it with star-fire, and with this powerful totem she raised Hecuba from Poseidon's depths and transforming her into a black she-dog, Kybele's sacred animal.

In honor of this, Maira became known as Sirius, the dog-star, and the rocky coast where Hecuba had jumped to her death was name Kynosema, the dog's grave.
It is said that Hecuba was the first Black Dog, and that all others since likewise owe their existence to Hekate, who's servants they are.
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