La Iglesia de San Emigdio

La Iglesia de San Emigdio was the parish church of San Emigdio, in Baha California, Mexico, prior to the town's destruction by an earthquake in the 1930s.

The church is dedicated to Saint Emygdius, who is invoked for protection from earthquakes. The survival of the church when the rest of the town was destroyed by a quake lead to it briefly becomming a prilgrimate center, but the Dioses of Ensenada condemned the practise, and the ruins were closed to visitors due to the danger of sinkholes.

The church is built on top of the remains of an Aztec temple to Tezcatlipoca, a common tactic of the Catholic Church during the conquest of the Americas to symbolise the supremecy of Christendom.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Church of Saint Emygdius (english)
Temple / Church
Parent Location


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