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Rolling hills and vast rivers spread across this beautiful land, home to a culture of trade and progress. The current Monarchy, the Delafontaine Dynasty, has ruled this country for almost 60 generations and boasts a strong line of great rulers that have developed the country to what it is today. Glayleis shares strong trade agreements with Estrein their neighbor to the west, Cespitan and Eplal across the the Split Sea, and Priadora and Rastiaya to the north, who have opened their trade in the recent century since the exploration of the Yearning Expanse began.


The country itself is split into sixteen distinct regions that the Crown has bestwowed ownership to various Dukes/Duchesses. Each region is governed by it's immediate Lord/Lady who ulitimately bends a knee to the Crown. The regional governers duty is to keep the state running smoothly while the Crown deals with diplomatic matters- as such they may decide to delegate parts of their role to other trusted members in the region. Just as similar to the greater diplomatic affairs, the local regents deal with a much smaller scale level of politics.

More important to the regions are their main exports which drive the local economy and culture. Mining in the north and farms in the central regions is integral to the progress of urban spread. Other regions specialize in education and military trading, while the border cities rely greatly on exotic import trades from trade allies.

The population of Glayleis is majority Human- but often through blackmarket trade or asylum requests dwarves, elves, halflings, goblins and lizard-men find their homes in the cracks of Glayician society.    
Glayleis Base Map Image


The climate of Glayleis is vastly temperate with very little change between the regions. Most noteably the southern tip of Glayleis stays the warmest through the year and only has one month of rain season. The northern regions, however, tend to have an earlier winter and higher average rainfall. This creates a climate where the Bolster Forest thrives providing an abdundance of lumber and local flora. The eastern coastline shares most of it's weather with central Glayleis with storms pushing south from Yearning Expanse- and lots of wind. Against the river bordering Estrein the weather is the most desireable with cool summers but somewhat rough winters. Even with the rough winters, the spring and autumn seasons are lush and vibrant with flowers and small game.


Religions and Cults of Glayleis

After the Great Culling of year [unknown date] BCE, only five major churches survived. These churches have survived large in part to their allegiance to the Crown to form a better suited society. Well after Queen Biana the 1st's reign did her descendants push against the heathens that plagued the land with the help of the new Holy Doctrine imposed by the sectors of the church. While the churches did succeed in overruling the previous dogmas, there are rumors of cults that have set root in the rural areas of Glayleis.

The Star

The Star refers to the Holy Quintent of churches that creates the pantheon whose reach spreads far past Glayelis and into much of the Western continent. The churches work harmoniously together as the creation and cycle of the world dictates; while most people will devote themsevles to one denonmintaion, they still recieve services from the others churches.
The Churches of the Star:
  • Church of Divine Love
  • Gathering of Balance
  • Faith of Crielos
  • Followers of Pragan
  • The Healing Hand
  • The Heathen Cults of Glayleis

    While in present day the information on any of the cults isn't available, there's rumor of old texts existing in many of the ruins across the continent. In the highly populated areas in Glayleis it may be hard to locate these ruins as they've been built upon or demolished completely for resources, rural towns speak of gangs of cultists popping up in nearby settlements or attacking caravans. Many of these old Gods lack the benevolence of the Holy Quintent, so beware of attracting their gaze.
    Known Cults in the Glayleis Region:
  • WIP
  • The Delafontaine Family Crest

    by Neigh Ventus
    Geopolitical, Country
    Races found in Glayleis
    Elves, Dwarves, Lizard-men, Humans, Halflings, Half-breeds

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