

Of the spawn of Phorcys and Ceto, none are as conscious and cruel as the gorgons. These abominations are universally horrific to behold: they slither on many-tailed bodies and fly on putrid wings; boar’s tusks and black tongues spill from their mouths; their hair is a tangle of venomous snakes, and their eyes are terror incarnate. Whoever sees their eyes turns to stone, and these statues decorate their lairs in a gallery of despair. They bring disease and death in their wake simply by existing. Even their blood is a curse, for wherever it lands, some vile thing will spring up like a weed.  
Fortunately, gorgons are exceedingly rare in Ogygia. Perhaps even Phorcys and Ceto did not want the surface entirely razed and salted, and so only a handful of full-blooded gorgons are known to still exist in dark swamps and isolated islands. Furthermore, their progeny always come out lesser in some way, and the most recent generations are simply not the same threat. These lesser gorgons, whose wings have withered to vestigial limbs and whose petrifying gaze is a mere flicker of its true potential, occasionally choose to part ways with their parents and make a life for themselves among civilization, while some chafe at the term “lesser” and seek new ways to instill fear in the common folk.
Theran Medusas can represent the middle ground of gorgons; those that are not quite full-blooded originals, but also not weakened enough to mingle easily with society.

Basic Information


True gorgons are huge, humanoid creatures covered in slick scales of a variety of green hues. In place of hair, they have hundreds of venomous snakes that usually reach down to the shoulderblades. Four tusks curl from under their lips, and their eyes are hypnotic cyclones of color. Two wings with oily black feathers emerge from their shoulderblades with a span of about 30 feet. Serrated iron claws emerge from each of their four fingers. In place of legs, most true gorgons have a long tail that splits into three to four a third of the way down.
When a gorgon's blood exits its body and makes contact with a surface, it turns into a creature of similar size to the amount of blood spilled: a droplet may turn into a rat or frog, multiple droplets may become a swarm of vermin, and a large pool may even spawn a wyvern.

Genetics and Reproduction

Gorgons can reproduce asexually, and their children are born in clutches of 5-6 leathery eggs. Gorgons are susceptible to one another's gazes, so these eggs are abandoned in nests near brackish or salt water to hatch in about four weeks.

Growth Rate & Stages

All gorgons reach adulthood in 30 years and live to about 300 years. Their growth rate is marked by their skin molting, which comes off in one sheet once per year. The most recent gorgon generation ages similarly to humans, just extended over a longer period.

Ecology and Habitats

Gorgons prefer areas near brackish or salty water with large cave systems to make their homes. The islands of the Nausicaan Archipelago are perfect for most elder gorgons, but lesser generations are more comfortable living inland or within civilization.

Dietary Needs and Habits

All gorgons are omnivorous, but the eldest gorgons can also fully subsist on a mineral diet. This coincides with their ability to turn creatures into porous stone, creating both intimidating statuary and storing the creatures as food indefinitely. Interestingly, as later generations lost the ability to turn creatures into stone, they also lost the ability to digest mineral matter.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Usually solitary, among gorgons that still have petrifying abilities. Lesser gorgons without a petrifying gaze still tend to live solitary lives, but some form matriarchical communities with a single head of the group.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

True gorgons exclusively live near the Ogygian coast or on the islands of the Nausicaan Archipelago. Lesser gorgons prefer larger islands or inland Ogygia.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Gorgons have excellent darkvision, but their eyes are also incredibly powerful weapons and sensitive to bright light. To account for this, gorgons also have the ability to echolocate using a noise like a high-pitched death rattle and have an incredibly potent sense of smell thanks to their forked, blackened tongues.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Most gorgons take single names of their own choosing in Ogygian, preferring names that exemplify what they are or wish to be. Some through history include Medusa ("guardian"), Eurayle ("far-roaming"), and Stheno ("forceful").

Major Language Groups and Dialects




Spawn of Phorcys and Ceto
300 years
Average Length
30 feet
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Scales come in a variety of hues, including reds, greens, blacks, and yellows. Gorgons of all types can be striped, spotted, mottled, or unpatterned. The wings, whether fully grown or vestigal, are almost always an oily black.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by huadong lan