Ogygia (Oh-jih-jee-uh)


Ogygia is a vibrant and idyllic landscape, adorned by rolling hills, temperate forests, and fields of wildflowers. Water is commonplace in glistening ponds, streams, and rivers, and even the swamps and marshlands are dotted with the bright colors of marshmallow flowers, vibrant fungi, and water lilies. Off the coast, dense coral reefs and kelp forests create an aquatic view to rival that of the land, and on some cloudless mornings, the sea becomes a rainbow beneath the waves. Further north, the seasons take full effect, turning leaves orange and red in the fall and coating the earth in snow and frost for a few harsh winter months.  
It's almost enough to make one forget the dangers lurking around every corner.
Ogygia itself refuses to be tamed, thanks to the influence of the nymphs and the lingering monstrosities spawned in its history. The remnants of those long past can be found nearly anywhere, from abandoned settlements reclaimed by nature to enormous shipwrecks broken upon the shore. Even the mighty colosseums must fight back against the encroaching wilderness, regularly removing trees and brambles that push through their architecture.
Even so, some have managed to live in peace with the wilds, through reverence or modesty. Many smaller settlements outside the reach of a warrior-ruler's territory have established successful footholds in the forests, marshes, and shores. All it requires is dedication, hard work, and an understanding that all could be lost at the wrong turn of the tide. And, occasionally, the aid of mercenaries to quell a significant threat.


There are very few stretches of flatland in Ogygia, and most have become swamp or marshland. Much of the drier terrain is covered in rolling hills, which in turn are ruled by plains of long grass, wildflower fields, or dark forests. These open areas are often the sites of battle between the warrior-rulers of Ogygia, and it is not uncommon to see ruined siege weapons or the corpses of soldiers consumed by growth. War often destroys the natural beauty of these landscapes, but the nymphs and their servants ensure that recovery comes quickly.  
Fresh water is fairly easy to come by in Ogygia's mainland. Streams and rivers regularly streak the terrain outside of the marshland, and even some swamps are fairly safe thanks to the presence of water nymphs. Nearly all water flows into the ocean, however, and on some smaller islands in the Nausicaan Archipelago, there may not be a single spot that fresh water can accumulate. The larger rivers and lakes of Lerna and the Acheron Swamp are also largely brackish within several miles of the coast.
The ocean is of great significance in Ogygia, as it borders a majority of the mainland and about a third of the region consists of multiple islands. Coral reefs take up large stretches of saltwater, either forming barriers near the coast or covering the rolling underwater hills. Kelp forests form closer to shore, particularly near swampland. Meanwhile, on land, the shorelines are rarely sandy beaches and more often form steep cliffs or jagged, rocky outcroppings, perfect for sirens and coastal wyverns to make their hunting grounds.

Fauna & Flora


Ogygia is home to many standard varieties of fauna. Deer, boars, wolves, elk, horses, and sheep roam the forests and hills, while crows, hawks, owls, eagles, vultures, orioles, chickadees, shrikes, and swallows fly above; alligators, dragonflies, frogs, toads, newts, flamingos, cranes, quails, and pheasants make their homes in the marshland and swamps.   Aquatic life is extremely varied, both on land and offshore. Crayfish, crabs, trout, pikes, and catfish populate the freshwater alongside ducks, geese, grebes, and other waterfowl, while the oceans are home to whales, sharks, salmon, sturgeons, seahorses, lancetfish, squid, clams, and more. Seabirds such as gulls, pelicans, and boobies are also prolific, even further inland.   More unusual yet no less natural creatures are endemic to Ogygia as well, including the catoblepones in the swamps, karkinoi in nearly any semi-aquatic environment, diverse wyverns all across the nation, and kampoi, xiphiae, and xystoselachii in all saltwater environments.  


Forests in Ogygia are largely made of fir trees, pine trees, poplars, oaks, and cypress, though mangroves and willows can be found in the marshland and surrounding brackish waters. While there are also cherry, apple, orange, fig, pear, almond, and walnut trees, the most significant are olive and pomegranate trees, and the fruit of both are considered national Ogygian staples.   Barley and wheat are cultivated easily in Ogygia and are often found growing wild in the fields. Rosemary, sage, oregano, mint, and thyme are similarly common and provide excellent aromatics to otherwise plain meals. Asparagus, onions, and beans are cultivated commonly as well.   Ogygia is also known for its massive fields of wildflowers, and alongside their variety one can find violets, poppies, dasies, orchids, thistles, and - another national staple - laurels.  


The marshmallow plant grows exclusively in Ogygian marshland, and both its roots and leaves have incredible medicinal importance in the nation. They are most often used in oral medicine to soothe respiratory issues, indigestion, and stomach ulcers, but can also be made into poultices for skin irritation and inflammation.   Chamomile is considered even more of a cure-all than marshmallow: the bright blue oil extracted from it is an excellent cure for all types of infections and inflammations both internal and external, and the herb itself is steeped into tea that calms the nerves and aids with sleep. A blessing to warriors wounded in both body and mind, any military medic is required to have a store of chamomile available.

Natural Resources

Wood, fruits, grains, medicinal plants, and a bounty of fishing and hunting are the most significant natural resources in Ogygia, though the nation can truly provide in almost any regard. Caverns beneath the earth and within the Hekaton are replete with ores and minerals, lending mostly to military equipment and the construction of large, sometimes ornate fortresses.   Of more specific note are the resources provided by the creatures of Ogygia, though aquiring these resources is a dangerous prospect in itself. Hydra blood, when injected, imbues the patient with incredible regenerative ability, and each successive injection is more potent than the previous one. Catoblepones are known for cultivating entire gardens on their backs, and some of these plants have potent medicinal properties and grow in no other soil. Karkinoi claws have a potent neurotoxin that completely halts the body's natural regeneration, even that of the hydra. Certain varieties of wyverns are hunted for their venoms, said to be capable of killing a cyclops within minutes.


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