Dr. Yin's Prescription

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Starting Stats

For your starting ability scores, select one of the following sets:  
  • 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18
  • 6, 9, 12, 15, 17, 19
  • 4, 10, 14, 14, 18, 18
  • 3, 6, 9, 18, 19, 20
  • 11, 11, 11, 11, 18, 18
  • 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15

Starting Equipment

You may begin with a common starter pack in addition to any normal starting equipment.  


You may choose any species printed in an official D&D 5th edition book, or one of the new playable species of Ohma.    

Character Requirements

Your character can be almost anything, but there are a few constraints for what makes an adventurer:  


  You must have a motivation to adventure. It can be anything you want, but there must be some reason your character wants to be with the party on an adventure.   Examples of character motivations:
  • I really like gold.
  • I want to save the world.
  • This adventuring party is my family.
  • Bored.
  • I want to sample every cuisine in the world, and some of em are awfully tricky to get to.
  • My social anxiety prevents me from saying no to anyone and these people keep asking me to join them.
  • I promised my grandpa I'd be famous.

Basic Sociability

  You must be willing to cooperate with the party, and any conflict with another party member must be agreed to by everyone involved. We all love a lone wolf, but D&D is best when everybody works together.   Examples of acceptable party conflict:
  • Artemis and Athena decide who should get a new cloak by playing a game of chess.
  • Anhur and Sobek agree to a Black Bird's Challenge to determine who's strongest.
  • Freyja dares Loki to try and steal from her, after Loki's relentless taunting.
Examples of unacceptable party conflict:
  • Loki steals Thor's armor unprovoked.
  • Quetzalcoatl tickles Xipe Totec without consent.
  • Ares angrily throws Hephaestus off a cliff to his doom.

Combat Ready

  You must be an active participant in combat. D&D is a game about combat at its core, and you should expect to be in combat a significant portion of the campaign. Your character must be built to function in combat, though how you function is up to you. The only rule is this: if your party hates you, you've made bad choices.  

Smart and Savvy

  You must have a way to protect your silver. What are you doing, walking around here with all that silver jingling in your pouch? Burglars and thieves could hear you coming a mile away! There could be some coming right now, you gotta act fast. Quick, take this coin pursetm! There ya go, that's much better. Now you can go wherever you like without fear! Of losing your silver at least, which is all I worry about. Don't worry about where that silver goes in the meantime. Just know you're safe now, you can always depend on Big Enterprises.    

Character Extras

Character creation is already quite a process, but if you want to flesh out your character even more then these are the extra steps Dr. Yin recommends:  

Detail your life goals

  What is your character looking for? What are you looking for out of your character? Any details will help to flesh out your character, the more specific the better.   Example character goals:
  • I want to become the strongest fighter in Ohma.
  • Tiamat's cult indoctrinated then betrayed me, and now they must be destroyed at all costs.
  • My family's prized muffin recipe needs to be shared throughout the world, though only to the few that are worthy.
  • The United Front is my enemy and I will break it.
  • I'm documenting every animal in the world!
Example player goals:
  • I want to experience Freyja's full journey to level 20.
  • I want to see Tsai Shen's wealth transcend the stars.
  • I want to see Aphrodite find love.
  • I want to learn the secrets of the Raven Queen's power.
  • I want to shape Ohma in my image for years to come.

Describe your family

  We all come from something. Who made you? Write down any people that have been important in your life, with as much or as little detail as you feel is appropriate.   Example family:
  • My cousin Niko is a street hoodlum that I try to keep out of trouble.
  • My favorite fireman is in danger.
  • My mom has written me a letter every week ever since I started adventuring.
  • I grew up with a crew of thieves that never told me their names.
  • My debaucherous dad Frank is richer than he knows what to do with from shady business dealings overseas, but his old business partner he screwed over is out for revenge.
  • I haven't seen my horse since he became a unicorn.
  • The Zaevia family history goes back before the founding of Prospectus, to a small fishing village named Bimblebrook. Bimblebrook was a little lake town when a young orphan named Brixton found his way there. It wasn't long before Brixton was the talk of the town, and deservedly so. He was wheeling and dealing like his life depended on it, and started to pick up the skills he would need to lead. By the time he was 18, he was elected mayor of Bimblebrook, the youngest ever mayor with the first ever unanimous vote. However, it was only when he met the witch Bianca that he began to pursue true power. They rose high together, but their love was their downfall, along with Brixton's reckless lust for control. After a horrid ritual, the Zaevia household was cursed with eternal undeath. Centuries later, Brixton still rules as the first duke of Prospectus, though he's no closer to finding a cure for his condition. The rest of the Zaevias have dispersed throughout the world, inevitably climbing to positions of power due to their cunning and immortality.

Describe an enemy

  Sometimes our past comes back to haunt us. Who in your past might be happy to see you fail?   Example enemies:
  • I had to abandon my farm after my rival Felicia poisoned my crops.
  • I wronged a crow once, and it taught its children to despise me.
  • Goldmoon loyalists try to kill me on sight.
  • Jeri came to regret letting me escape the dojo, and I train every day for when we meet again.
  • One time I tried to shoot the Shadow Twins in the face and it didn't work but they got mad anyway.

Connect with another party member

  D&D is a party game! Work with other players in your group to make connections between your characters. Take a shared flaw with another player, add a little flavor, and baby you got a stew goin.   Example shared flaws:
  • Aviary Trauma: We were cagemates in the Aviary.
  • Blight of the Great Khan: A battalion of soldiers invaded the Plane of Earth, and only we returned.
  • Easily Convinced: We were both caught up in the same scam.
  • Insatiable Hunger: I woke that morning respecting no one, but I walked home from that eating competition with respect for one soul.
  • Rat God's Quota: Sometimes you need a partner in crime to pay the big rat upstairs, ya smell me?

Reflavor your talents

  Are there talents with abilities you like but lore implications you don't? Or maybe something's missing? Whatever it is, let your character sheet speak to you! Talent names are descriptive but flexible - feel free to rename your talents to better represent your character.   Example reflavored talents:  

Create a custom background

  Why not go ahead and write a whole background? Or if you don't wanna do all that, just write a name and a description and send it to your local doctor for processing. Worst case scenario, your background is a mystery at first. Maybe you're shy.   Example custom backgrounds:
  • Black Rose Assassin
  • Goldmoon Gangster
  • Hephaeston Smith
  • Olympic Roc Thrower
  • Profiteer
  • Raised by Zaevias
  • Traveling Bird Merchant

Write a haiku


I'm not sure he's even really a doctor.