What's New In Ohma


With the Raven Queen in power, drama takes precedence over all else. ONTA has overtaken the land - Ohma is now full of ambitious adventurers aggressively competing for spots on the ONTA Leaderboard. Some compete merely for fame, but most seek Black Rose Dew Boxes, the addicting reward offered for earning ONTAP.    

Combat Changes

War never changes, but combat in Ohma does have a particular flair.      


Creatures throughout the land have looked within themselves and discovered talents empowering them far beyond what they were previously capable of. As a player character in Ohma, you have a number of talent slots equal to your level plus how many flaws you have.   With each talent slot you may either gain a new talent or increase the level of one of your current talents by one.*   *Note: Only certain talents may be leveled.  

Base Talents:

Full list of talents   You may exchange one talent for another while resting using tools.    


Characters of Ohma are defined by their flaws as well as their gifts. Whenever you are hindered by one of your flaws, you automatically gain ONTAP based off how severely the flaw impeded you.   When you create a character, you may choose one flaw to start with. Additionally, if you and another player agree on a shared flaw, you may both additionally start with the same flaw. You may only do this once with each other member of your party.  


Playable Races

Ohma is a world of diversity! New characters may be of any race from the Player's Handbook or Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse, with a few new playable races available as well.  


Dr. Yin's Prescription

Dr. Yin's prescription has been updated according to all the latest medical standards:  


Raven Queen Prayers

If you can't acquire your heart's desire, try prayer!      



Black Rose Dew

Creatures of all shapes and sizes throughout the land have beseeched the Raven Queen with an impossible question: Why?