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I wanna make a character, what should I do?


What are your rules for natural 20s and natural 1s?

(DM Discretion)
  • Attacks function normally - a natural 20 on an attack roll always hits, and a natural 1 on an attack roll always misses.
  • Additionally, the following rules apply to all d20 rolls:
    • Naturally rolling 20 on a d20 counts as rolling 30.
    • Naturally rolling 1 on a d20 counts as rolling -10.

Do vulnerabilities and resistances stack?

  • In Ohma? Absolutely!
  • E.g:
    • If you are twice vulnerable to fire damage, you take four times as much fire damage as usual.
    • If you are twice resistant to fire damage, you take one fourth as much fire damage as usual.

What happens when 2 abilities trigger at the same time?

  • When its your own abilities triggering at the same time, you may order them however you wish.
  • When abilities from multiple creatures trigger at the same time, the creature with highest initiative may order the effects however they wish.

How does re-rolling initiative work?

  • When you re-roll initiative, your initiative order is changed starting with the next round.
  • The current round of initiative is unaffected, unless otherwise noted.

What are walls?

  • A wall is an impassable object that blocks line of sight.
  • Dirt walls seem weird, yea?

  • Burrow speeds may be used to travel through dirt walls, unless otherwise noted.
  • How do pathable walls work?

  • If a wall is pathable for you, you may move through that space as though it were empty. While you are inside a walls space, you have line of sight to all sides and all sides have line of sight to you.
  • Wait there's large walls? And huge walls?

  • To fight monsters we created monsters.
  • But how do they work though?

  • Same as usual, except they take up more space.

How do conscious death saving throws work?

  • Some abilities in Ohma cause creatures to make death saving throws without needing to be at 0 hit points. These death saving throws function as normal - succeed on 3 and they reset, fail 3 and you die. The only difference is they do not get reset automatically when you are healed while above 0 hit points.
  • All death saving throws are reset upon completing a rest, or when you dance with death and clear them at 0 hit points.

What ability do I use for these tools?

(DM Discretion)
  • Fantastic question! Each tool has its own set of ability scores it can use, which you can find on each tools' page.

What's my spellcasting ability? I'm no wizard!

(DM Discretion)
  • Your call! If you are able to cast a spell and it doesn't specify otherwise, you may select any ability as your spellcasting ability.

What happens if there's not enough room to use my ability?

  • Can't use it then, can ya?
  • But what if its perfect?

  • If it were perfect you'd have enough room. Find your true perfection.

What counts as an empty space?

  • An empty space is a 5 foot cube with no creatures or walls in it.

How does clearing difficult terrain work?

(DM Discretion)
  • Unless otherwise noted, any creature adjacent to a space of difficult terrain may use their action to clear a 5 foot cube of difficult terrain.

How does shapeshifting work?

(DM Discretion)
  • Unless otherwise noted, use the same rules as Wild Shape when shapeshifting into an animal form (e.g. Badger Form).

I don't own Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse or another main D&D book, can I still use something from it?

  • If you're wily enough! A lucky few may be able to access those books for free by joining this campaign.
  • And anything in the SRD is open to the public.

I hear business is booming?

      What exactly counts as a successful business roll?

    • A business roll is considered successful if it is high enough to gain any reward from. Typically you must roll a 20 or higher on a profession for a business roll to be considered successful.
    • A business roll is considered unsuccessful if you gained no rewards after completing all your rolls.


    • Shop tiers progress in the following order:  
      • Squalid
      • Tolerable
      • Quality
      • Premier
      • Perfect

Are these abilities really supposed to let me go above 20 Strength?

  • Shh, just go with it - the coastal wizards aren't looking.

What does (DM Discretion) mean?

(DM Discretion)
  • Answers labeled with (Dm Discretion) are true by default but may well be different depending on your campaign.

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