Heavenspawn & Hellspawn

Heavenspawn and Hellspawn are beings of any individual species with either an infernal or divine spark within their bloodline.
  They are commonly referred to as Aasimar and Tieflings, though not all Heavenspawn or Hellspawn are Aasimar or Tieflings.

Basic Information


While varied in appearance, both spawns tend to exhibit similar anatomical features to their non-magical parentage with small physical features granted by their specific ancestor. Hellspawn tend to have horns, hooves, or other appendages associated with the infernal. Heavenspawn more commonly have wings or markings across their body similar to tattoos, and less commonly have halos.

Genetics and Reproduction

Heavenspawn and Hellspawn are born of a union between a deity, demon, or devil and any mortal. A Heavenspawn or Hellspawn's children will have a chance to be the same, and it is nearly guaranteed if both parents have similar lineages. If the initial being's sired child doesn't inherit the same blessing, it will remain dormant in their blood meaning any future children of that bloodline have a chance to be born a Heavenspawn or Hellspawn.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

While most commonly found on the mainland of the Willowdale Isles, Heavenspawn can be found nearly anywhere in the world.   Hellspawn are less common, and have no known geographical origin.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Most Heavenspawn and Hellspawn are granted low-light vision or darkvision, a boon of their heritage.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Most Heavenspawn name their children with the deity they owe their heritage to in mind. For example, a Heavenspawn with Alarthuran's heritage will likely be named something strong and memorable like Alador.
  Hellspawn have no inherent naming traditions.

Major Organizations

The most notable organization of Heavenspawn is House Estiechade, a noble house from the Willowdale Isles. They're known for their close relations with the leadership and monarchy of the isles, though many assume it was closer to a rivalry than a friendship. House Estiechade funded most of the warforged production within Port Landow before the leader, Doctor Ansell was overthrown.
  The most well known group of Hellspawn is Carrion's Legion, an infernal brigade of tiefling children sired by the cambion warlord Carrion. They're known for razing anywhere they go, and leaving no survivors. Recently, they've been spotted moving about in Tuya.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Most Heavenspawn inherently know how to speak Empyrean, while most Hellspawn know either Chthonian or Diabolic respectively.

Historical Figures

Notable Heavenspawn:   • Alador Estiechade | Known hero & political figure   • Kregant Kirk | Former king of the Willowdale Isles   • Calvin Kirk | Former lich   • Alfred Kirk | Zealot of the Ancient   • Oswald Kirk | Disgraced son of Kregant     Notable Hellspawn:   • Carrion | Cambion warlord

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

For a long period of time, most the Heavenspawn of the Willowdale Isles were incredibly xenophobic towards species not deemed "golden lineages" by King Kregant Kirk. Since the liberation of the Isles, tensions have eased. Heavenspawn born elsewhere have always had average relations with all species.
  Hellspawn are often spurned, especially in heavily religious areas. Any retribution from this coupled with Carrion's rampages have annihilated most Hellspawn relations in the affected regions. Outside of that, they tend to have relatively good relations with fire elementals.
Scientific Name
Esse-Natus Ultra
120-150 years
Geographic Distribution


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